Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm Back!

Didja even know I was gone?!!

We went to SoCal on vacation - stayed in Anaheim and had a great time! Hubby and I took A. and a friend and we all came home exhausted! We went on a Hollywood Tour, to Universal Studios, to DisneyLand, to the beach, had a beach bbq with my CA family and went whale and dolphin watching and saw hundreds of dolphins and 3 blue whales - like within 25 feet from the whales! SO COOL! Now I'm tired and wish I was back in SoCal! I LOVE it there!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Can't Get Enough

of this song by Deathcab For Cutie. I LOVE the video, btw.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Still Obsessed

with the Twilight series. I'm on re-read number 3. I LOVE THESE BOOKS. And Edward. I want to be Bella.

More Complete Than I Ever Dreamed

My life, that is. I changed our cable and we now get MTV-U and the other MTV music channels (did I write this before??) and i now watch nothing but MTV and am catching up on all sorts of awesome music. I LOVE IT! I've missed MTV.

Facebook vs. Blogger

I really like BLogger better, but everyone is on Facebook, so there I am, confused and confuzzled. Blogger is just so much easier. Simple. Ahhhh simplicity. I like it!

My Life Is Complete

I have a pair of grey capris. That is all.