Saturday, September 1, 2007

Eclectic Ramblings On A Saturday Night

if i didn't know me and was somebody else, i'd totally read my blog cuz it's cool

check out this blog - - a fun reminder of London

and how cool is this?

some really cool photography - - i think i may become to ADDICTED to Etsy in the near future (just stay away, far, far away!)

and this is the purse that i bought in edinburgh - when in scotland, ya gotta buy a tartan and this was oh-so-cute, i couldn't pass it up -

"a hazy shade of winter" - remember that song? i haven't heard it for ages - it's on tv right now - less than zero is playing on encore

i really want to rent one of these cottages -

and wow! i wanna be as eloquent and thoughtful as this blogger, know as hottt cheryl on pottercast - she was the continuity editor on the last 3 or 4 harry potter books -

i have no idea how to make the links be just an underlined word or a phrase and not all that "http:// stuff" - how can i do that so i don't look like an idiot???

why does font size and type and spacing just automatically change on me? i hit "publish", then go read what i wrote and it's different than what i just did - i don't get it!

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