Sunday, August 26, 2007

What I'm Loving Now

1). Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest was on this weekend, twice, and I caught parts of it both times!
2). All 3 Back to the Future Movies were on this weekend and I caught parts of all 3!
3). Sadie doing the agility course 90% off lead and doing awesome!
4). Clean floors - I mopped the wood floors with Murphy's Oil Soap and did the kitchen in Pine-Sol - it' smells and looks great for a change!
5). AC - again!
6). Star Trek TNG
7). Dreaming about going to London AGAIN!!
8). Going for 2 bike rides and numerous dog walks with perfecet weather Fri. and Sat.!
10). Setting a fat loss goal of 30# by October 21, 2007. YAY! I CAN do it!

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