Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I Can't Believe
Songs From The Europe Trip
Plain White T's "Hey There Deliliah"
Rhianna "Shut Up And Drive"
Fergie "Big Girls Don't Cry"
Avril Levine "When You're Gone"
Gwen Stefani "4 In the Morning"
Rhianna "Umbrella"
Avril Lavine "Girlfriend"
Maroon 5 "Makes Me Wonder"
Kelly Clarkson "Never Again"
Paul McCartney "Dance Tonight"
Lifehouse "First Time"
Timbaland "The Way I Are"
Linkin Park "What I've Done"
I'm sure there are more and I'll add to this list, but these are the one's that stick out for now.
11 July, 2007
Our Hostel - our room is at top center
Our Hostel
View from our hostel
We checked in, carried our luggage up to the top floor (oh my aching legs!) and showered. Well, the showers on the top floor had very little water pressure and I couldn't get any hot water. I gave up after A. finished her shower and went to the BR on the floor below, which worked well. I think we both felt better after that! I tried out my new adaptors for my hairdryer - mine didn't work - what was up with that?? None of mine worked! Luckily, someone had left their batteries charging on an adaptor that did work and I could dry my hair that way (OK- I'm spoiled - I gotta have my hairdryer - it's my one little luxury when travelling!) We left our stuff in our room (it was a big one with 6 sets of bunk beds and a window that looked out to the castle) and climbed ALL THOSE STAIRS back UP to the castle and walked partway down the Royal Mile, looking for food. We cut through a square with lots of pre-teen and teen goths - really, not just a few, but a lot! We ate at Subway cuz I knew what we'd be eating and it was easy - I tols A. that we wouldn't be eating American the whole time, but for tonight, this would do! After a little food, we wandered part way down the Royal Mile and windowshopped. The weather was nice - sunny and cool and windy. We made our way back to the hostel, back up the hill and then down the steps. We we returned, we met some of our roomates - to A.'s surprise, some of them were male! There was a woman from NJ who was travelling with her son and nephew in our room - they had driven up from England via Wales that day - what a great trip! We were tired and went to bed fairly early. The bad things about dorm rooms in hostels is the noise, but we slept pretty good that night!
our hostel room - view from our bunks
10 July, 2007
I had us in seats one behind the other, but a couple is sitting one next to me and one next to A. and they ask if we can switch with them so they can sit together. Of course we are nice and switch, but I wish we hadn't. After eating and watching "You've Got Mail", I try to sleep, but that couple is playing cribbage all night long. Urrgghhh! All I wanna do is sleep! I learned on the way back home that I actually slept more than I thought, but it sure didn't feel like much. A. claims she didn't sleep more than 20 minutes all night long (well, it was a short night)!
Monday, August 27, 2007
More YouTube Hilarity!
and this one:
and probably my favorite:
Sunday, August 26, 2007
New Radio Station
My Bike

What I'm Loving Now
2). All 3 Back to the Future Movies were on this weekend and I caught parts of all 3!
3). Sadie doing the agility course 90% off lead and doing awesome!
4). Clean floors - I mopped the wood floors with Murphy's Oil Soap and did the kitchen in Pine-Sol - it' smells and looks great for a change!
5). AC - again!
6). Star Trek TNG
7). Dreaming about going to London AGAIN!!
8). Going for 2 bike rides and numerous dog walks with perfecet weather Fri. and Sat.!
10). Setting a fat loss goal of 30# by October 21, 2007. YAY! I CAN do it!
I'm Moving To London, I'm Moving to London, I'm Moving To London
...well, not really, but I WISH I were. Does that count?!! I KNEW that once I visited London, I'd NEED to go back and want to stay forever. I can't wait for the next visit! I decided today that London will be MY yearly vacation spot - with or without husband or kids. I just need to go there as often as possible!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
We Made A Decision
This Week...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Bourne Ultimatum
Some UK Favourites
2). The Tower of London
3). Westminster Bridge - what a view!
4). London Walks
5). Meeting lots of friendly people
6). Edinburgh Castle
7). The Royal Mile
8). Hedge Mazes
9). Shakespeare Plays
What I'm Loving Now
2). Going for a bike ride without a sore back and with decent weather!
3). Cheap flight to London that I'm so tempted to buy!
4). Re-reading Tony Robbins and applying new things he says each time I read it (I'm so gonna make it all work out!)
5). Pigtails!
6). Our Girls!
So Very Cute!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I Am Boring
All I do know for sure, I WILL be returning to London someday and soon! I LOVE the UK, like I always knew I would! When I win the lottery, maybe we'll move there! (or at least visit often!)