Monday, June 11, 2007

Improving Disposition

I am getting over my disappointment about missing the LIVE PotterCast in Chicago for the release of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. I'm still a bit sad, but had such a great idea that it's brought me out of it!

I just contacted Melissa, Sue and John about being a PotterCast liason in the UK for the public movie release and the book release! My husband has a digital voice recorder that I could use for 'man on the street' - type interviews that I think would be a lot of fun. I hope they get back to me - I'd love to be a part of the Harry Potter experience in this way! I'm such a nerd!

p.s. yah, I know, I was way off on my prediction of where the PotterCast Trio would be for the book release. Oh well, like I said, a girl can dream and that's exactly what I'm doing now!

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