Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Of course, the day after I make my flight arrangements, the moment I have been holding out for finally arrives. JKR will be in LONDON for the release of the final HP book. Only 1700 people will have an opportunity to wait in line to receive a free book that JKR autographs and 500 people will be able to attend a reading that she will do at midnight. Apparently Scholastic has a contest where 7 people under the age of 16 (with an adult) will have the opportunity to fly to London, stay for 3 nights and attend the events. Otherwise, it appears that the only way to get in on this event is to be a UK citizen.

Read it here:

While I am a wee bit disappointed (I'd hoped for a more general release on the part of JKR), I totally understand. I am sure that it would be a HUGE mob scene at whatever venue she was at and by limiting the numbers who can attend, it should be much more sane and safe for her. (OK, lets be honest - I really wanted to meet her face-to-face, give her a huge hug, tell her how much her stories mean to me, tell her I am her biggest fan and thank her for bringing them to life. Hmm, hmm - OK - back to reality now....)

So, I am attempting to change my plans around completely. I, of course, had us set up to be in London for the movie release (the 12th of July) and Edinburgh for the book release (21st of July). I am contacting my couchsurfing hostess in London to see if she can accomodate us a week later and if that's a go (oh PLEASE PLEASE let it work out!), we'll be in London for the book release at some type of release party. And maybe JKR will make some type of appearance somewhere that week.

And WHY does it matter at all where I am? I do want to be able to say "I was there" when it's all over with (how cool am I? HAHA!). Mostly though, I am looking forward to the HUGE numbers of fans that will be there as well - more people to plan and scheme with, theorize with, talk to and cry with. And I want to go to a live PotterCast (oh please please please do one PotterCasters!!!) and I just want to be a part of all the craziness and fun and celebration of the final Harry Potter book!

I can't wait! I'm SO excited!!!

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