Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
What I'm Loving Now
1. Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End
2. Blue Corn Tortilla Chips
3. Having Memorial Day OFF!
4. A 3 day weekend!
5. My Pirates of the Caribbean t-shirt, again
6. Baby bunnies in our yard
2. Blue Corn Tortilla Chips
3. Having Memorial Day OFF!
4. A 3 day weekend!
5. My Pirates of the Caribbean t-shirt, again
6. Baby bunnies in our yard
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland
Here are some sites I can't wait to see in and around Edinburgh:
Of coures, since I saw it and read about it in The Da Vinci Code, I must see it in person.
Did you read about the code that was deciphered there? A father and son team deciphered the carvings in the chapel. Read the story here:
I hope that I get a chance to hear the performance!
The Edinburgh Castle of course:

More later!
Summer Market
I have signed up to participate in a weekly summer market this year, selling my soaps, etc. It is held on Thursdays from 3:30 to 6:30. Unfortunately, I am going to have to withdraw from the market due to a back injury and a conflict with dog school. Because of my back, I am going to have a very hard time making soap,as well as toting it around, setting up, etc. I'm bummed. I was so looking forward to getting my stuff out there on a regular basis. I'll get it figured out one of these days. Until then, I've got a lot of showering to do to use up what I have!
Favorite Music
If I had to choose only one period of time that I could listen to music from, I would choose the Vietnam-Era (mid-60's to mid-70's) music. I LOVE music from that time period, especially the rock and folk music. I'm not sure why I love it so much. It just hits me right where great music is supposed to hit you. I wasn't even alive for most of that time, but I do love it.
Second on my list are the songs from the 80's. I love the techno, English, punk inspired stuff. I was pretty young for the first half of that decade and didn't really get into music until probably 1985, but I find myslef knowing all those songs anyway. Again, nothing tangible. It just hits me in the right place.
(Seems to be a theme developing - music! I love music!)
Second on my list are the songs from the 80's. I love the techno, English, punk inspired stuff. I was pretty young for the first half of that decade and didn't really get into music until probably 1985, but I find myslef knowing all those songs anyway. Again, nothing tangible. It just hits me in the right place.
(Seems to be a theme developing - music! I love music!)
If I Won the Lottery
What would YOU do if you won the big one? I think about this often because I believe in the power of thoughts manifesting themselves into reality (even before The Secret came out). I truly believe that what we think and focus our energies on is what we get.
Anyway, if I won the lottery, this is what I would do:
1. Pay off all of my and my husband's student loans and our house and other miscellaneous bills we have.
2. Take a REALLY long vacation to somewhere fabulous.
3. Pay off my parent's, brother's and husband's ex's home loans and set up some type of deal where they rent the houses from us for the cost of the property tax and house maintenance or something to that effect so that they would no longer have to worry about making huge house payments. (why not just give it to them? Because I think that it's important to take ownership of things and feel a responsibility toward something. I think that just being given something can be a bad thing - it can lead to feelings of entitlement and makes a person ungrateful.)
4. Set up trust funds/college funds for my husband's kids, my nieces and nephews and for my cousin's kids.
5. Buy my grandma's farm from my dad and uncle, thereby giving them their retirement funds.
6. Pay for my grandma's apartment, meals, home healthcare, etc for the rest of her life.
7. Prior to receiving the money, I would want us to meet with lawyers and have them draw all of this up and set up monthly stipends for me and my husband, a house fund account, a bill paying account, etc. so that we only had access to so much money per month to help prevent us from spending all of our money at once.
8. Build a house on my grandma's farm.
9. Retire from my job as a physical therapist and do soapmaking fulltime.
10. Possibly buy a home somewhere warmer so that we could winter in a milder climate than MN.
11. Take a fun vacation every year.
12. Spend time travelling and seeing the world.
13. My husband and I have always talked about having some type of dog rescue program that would be a no-kill shelter, training facility to make the dogs more adoptable and provide money to people who can't afford to have their dogs spayed and neutered.
14. Build a soap workshop on the farm and have a little soap shop.
15. Become a mentor and have the time to help young women realize their dreams.
16. Buy a few fun toys that my husband wants!
(As I re-read this list, it strikes me that I really can do a lot of this right now, even without millions of dollars. Something to ponder and get to work on.)
But for other parts of my dream, I really do need those millions. I'll let you know how it goes when we win!
Anyway, if I won the lottery, this is what I would do:
1. Pay off all of my and my husband's student loans and our house and other miscellaneous bills we have.
2. Take a REALLY long vacation to somewhere fabulous.
3. Pay off my parent's, brother's and husband's ex's home loans and set up some type of deal where they rent the houses from us for the cost of the property tax and house maintenance or something to that effect so that they would no longer have to worry about making huge house payments. (why not just give it to them? Because I think that it's important to take ownership of things and feel a responsibility toward something. I think that just being given something can be a bad thing - it can lead to feelings of entitlement and makes a person ungrateful.)
4. Set up trust funds/college funds for my husband's kids, my nieces and nephews and for my cousin's kids.
5. Buy my grandma's farm from my dad and uncle, thereby giving them their retirement funds.
6. Pay for my grandma's apartment, meals, home healthcare, etc for the rest of her life.
7. Prior to receiving the money, I would want us to meet with lawyers and have them draw all of this up and set up monthly stipends for me and my husband, a house fund account, a bill paying account, etc. so that we only had access to so much money per month to help prevent us from spending all of our money at once.
8. Build a house on my grandma's farm.
9. Retire from my job as a physical therapist and do soapmaking fulltime.
10. Possibly buy a home somewhere warmer so that we could winter in a milder climate than MN.
11. Take a fun vacation every year.
12. Spend time travelling and seeing the world.
13. My husband and I have always talked about having some type of dog rescue program that would be a no-kill shelter, training facility to make the dogs more adoptable and provide money to people who can't afford to have their dogs spayed and neutered.
14. Build a soap workshop on the farm and have a little soap shop.
15. Become a mentor and have the time to help young women realize their dreams.
16. Buy a few fun toys that my husband wants!
(As I re-read this list, it strikes me that I really can do a lot of this right now, even without millions of dollars. Something to ponder and get to work on.)
But for other parts of my dream, I really do need those millions. I'll let you know how it goes when we win!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Some of My Favorite Soap Sites
I haven't talked much about soap in here yet - I'm sure I'll get to it sometime. In the meantime, enjoy some of my favorite soap sites!
I Can't Wait To See This
"On a trip around the world, every day feels like Saturday. A MAP FOR SATURDAY reveals a world of long-term, solo travel through the stories of trekkers on four continents.
The documentary finds backpackers helping neglected Thai tsunami victims. It explains why Nepal’s guesthouses are empty and Brazil’s stoplights are ignored.
But at its core,SATURDAY tracks the emotional arc of extreme long-term travelers; teenagers and senior citizens who wondered, “What would it be like to travel the world?” Then did it."
"On a trip around the world, every day feels like Saturday. A MAP FOR SATURDAY reveals a world of long-term, solo travel through the stories of trekkers on four continents.
The documentary finds backpackers helping neglected Thai tsunami victims. It explains why Nepal’s guesthouses are empty and Brazil’s stoplights are ignored.
But at its core,SATURDAY tracks the emotional arc of extreme long-term travelers; teenagers and senior citizens who wondered, “What would it be like to travel the world?” Then did it."
It's Animal Cruelty husband says, to dress dogs up in clothing. I think it's cute and rather hilarious. Honestly, I don't think the dogs mind. In fact, I think they enjoy it because they get so much positive attention. What do you think?!!

A Closeup of the Tin Man

Princess Collie
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
PotterCasters/LeakyMugsters - I've got your ticket!
Oh PotterCasters! I think I hear you scheming behind the scenes, planning something fantastic for the release of Deathly Hallows! Maybe I am WAY off here, but it strikes me as odd that:
1. All we heard from Sue today was JKR's and Blomsbury's announcement
2. No mini-PotterCast?
3. Nothing from MuggleCast today besides the announcement
Why does this seem odd to me?
1. Sue and Melissa always get so excited when Jo updates her site
2. Sue is back from Phoenix Rising and is always super up to the minute, miss johnny-on-the-spot with any HP news
3. I can't believe that there was no other news today with the book and movie so close
4. Neither PotterCast nor MuggleCast have given us their Deathly Hallows plans yet
So, I believe that The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet were told of JKR's plans some time ago and that they have been secretly planning and scheming to do a HUGE LeakyMug event in London and that they have had to wait until the official announcement was given to announce their plans. My dream would be some type of release party near where Jo will be with a live LeakyMug. Or my ultimate dream: an event where Jo sits down with all of us and does a LeakyMug the day after! (dream on girl!)
And if I'm WAY off - oh well - a girl CAN dream!!
I'm sleeping with the laptop on right next to my bed so I can be the first one to say "I KNEW IT!"
1. All we heard from Sue today was JKR's and Blomsbury's announcement
2. No mini-PotterCast?
3. Nothing from MuggleCast today besides the announcement
Why does this seem odd to me?
1. Sue and Melissa always get so excited when Jo updates her site
2. Sue is back from Phoenix Rising and is always super up to the minute, miss johnny-on-the-spot with any HP news
3. I can't believe that there was no other news today with the book and movie so close
4. Neither PotterCast nor MuggleCast have given us their Deathly Hallows plans yet
So, I believe that The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet were told of JKR's plans some time ago and that they have been secretly planning and scheming to do a HUGE LeakyMug event in London and that they have had to wait until the official announcement was given to announce their plans. My dream would be some type of release party near where Jo will be with a live LeakyMug. Or my ultimate dream: an event where Jo sits down with all of us and does a LeakyMug the day after! (dream on girl!)
And if I'm WAY off - oh well - a girl CAN dream!!
I'm sleeping with the laptop on right next to my bed so I can be the first one to say "I KNEW IT!"
Of course, the day after I make my flight arrangements, the moment I have been holding out for finally arrives. JKR will be in LONDON for the release of the final HP book. Only 1700 people will have an opportunity to wait in line to receive a free book that JKR autographs and 500 people will be able to attend a reading that she will do at midnight. Apparently Scholastic has a contest where 7 people under the age of 16 (with an adult) will have the opportunity to fly to London, stay for 3 nights and attend the events. Otherwise, it appears that the only way to get in on this event is to be a UK citizen.
Read it here:
While I am a wee bit disappointed (I'd hoped for a more general release on the part of JKR), I totally understand. I am sure that it would be a HUGE mob scene at whatever venue she was at and by limiting the numbers who can attend, it should be much more sane and safe for her. (OK, lets be honest - I really wanted to meet her face-to-face, give her a huge hug, tell her how much her stories mean to me, tell her I am her biggest fan and thank her for bringing them to life. Hmm, hmm - OK - back to reality now....)
So, I am attempting to change my plans around completely. I, of course, had us set up to be in London for the movie release (the 12th of July) and Edinburgh for the book release (21st of July). I am contacting my couchsurfing hostess in London to see if she can accomodate us a week later and if that's a go (oh PLEASE PLEASE let it work out!), we'll be in London for the book release at some type of release party. And maybe JKR will make some type of appearance somewhere that week.
And WHY does it matter at all where I am? I do want to be able to say "I was there" when it's all over with (how cool am I? HAHA!). Mostly though, I am looking forward to the HUGE numbers of fans that will be there as well - more people to plan and scheme with, theorize with, talk to and cry with. And I want to go to a live PotterCast (oh please please please do one PotterCasters!!!) and I just want to be a part of all the craziness and fun and celebration of the final Harry Potter book!
I can't wait! I'm SO excited!!!
Read it here:
While I am a wee bit disappointed (I'd hoped for a more general release on the part of JKR), I totally understand. I am sure that it would be a HUGE mob scene at whatever venue she was at and by limiting the numbers who can attend, it should be much more sane and safe for her. (OK, lets be honest - I really wanted to meet her face-to-face, give her a huge hug, tell her how much her stories mean to me, tell her I am her biggest fan and thank her for bringing them to life. Hmm, hmm - OK - back to reality now....)
So, I am attempting to change my plans around completely. I, of course, had us set up to be in London for the movie release (the 12th of July) and Edinburgh for the book release (21st of July). I am contacting my couchsurfing hostess in London to see if she can accomodate us a week later and if that's a go (oh PLEASE PLEASE let it work out!), we'll be in London for the book release at some type of release party. And maybe JKR will make some type of appearance somewhere that week.
And WHY does it matter at all where I am? I do want to be able to say "I was there" when it's all over with (how cool am I? HAHA!). Mostly though, I am looking forward to the HUGE numbers of fans that will be there as well - more people to plan and scheme with, theorize with, talk to and cry with. And I want to go to a live PotterCast (oh please please please do one PotterCasters!!!) and I just want to be a part of all the craziness and fun and celebration of the final Harry Potter book!
I can't wait! I'm SO excited!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
More Top 5's or I Love Music
ooooh! oooh! I just thought of a few more songs I can't live without:
1. Waiting For A Star To Fall Boy Meets Girls
2. Red, Red Wine UB40
3. Imagine John Lennon
4. Maybe I'm Amazed Paul McCartney & Wings
5. Wicked Games Chris Isaak
wait, there's more:
6. Lovesong The Cure
7. Sand In My Shoes Dido
8. The Boys of Summer Don Henley
9. Bitter Sweet Symphonie The Verve
10. Over My Head The Fray (who are possibly THE best new band of the last year)
and there's more:
11. Something About You Level 42
12. West End Girls Pet Shop Boys
13. Losing My Religion REM
14. Crazy Seal
15. Summer Breeze Seals & Croft
could it be? yep, more!
16. Mrs. Robinson Simon & Garfunkle
17. True Spandau Ballet
18. Where the Streets Have No Name U2
19. With or Without You U2
20. Makes Me Wonder Maroon 5
I LOVE music! Really, really, really could not imagine a life without music. I actually had a patient once who said that she didn't like music - not just a particular genre, but didn't like music period. How sad. As part of my daily dose of irrational fears, I have yet to decide which would be worse - losing my sight or my hearing.
But if I only had a very teeny, tiny iPod and I could only fit 30 or so songs on it, I think that I could be happy for a long time with these songs plus the ones on my previous list. As luck would have it, I have an 80GB iPod and currently have about 1000 songs on it. (LOVE my iPod! It's my 2nd one - this time I went for the black with video. My first iPod is a 4GB pink mini. Love it, too, but I wanted more music. I still have the mini - I keep meaning to sell it, but it has some sentimental value to me - I need to just get over that!)
And I'll probably think of more songs that I just can't live without. Ooooh - another idea just came to me - my Top 5 (or 10) favorite Beatle's songs. Coming soon to a blog near you!
1. Waiting For A Star To Fall Boy Meets Girls
2. Red, Red Wine UB40
3. Imagine John Lennon
4. Maybe I'm Amazed Paul McCartney & Wings
5. Wicked Games Chris Isaak
wait, there's more:
6. Lovesong The Cure
7. Sand In My Shoes Dido
8. The Boys of Summer Don Henley
9. Bitter Sweet Symphonie The Verve
10. Over My Head The Fray (who are possibly THE best new band of the last year)
and there's more:
11. Something About You Level 42
12. West End Girls Pet Shop Boys
13. Losing My Religion REM
14. Crazy Seal
15. Summer Breeze Seals & Croft
could it be? yep, more!
16. Mrs. Robinson Simon & Garfunkle
17. True Spandau Ballet
18. Where the Streets Have No Name U2
19. With or Without You U2
20. Makes Me Wonder Maroon 5
I LOVE music! Really, really, really could not imagine a life without music. I actually had a patient once who said that she didn't like music - not just a particular genre, but didn't like music period. How sad. As part of my daily dose of irrational fears, I have yet to decide which would be worse - losing my sight or my hearing.
But if I only had a very teeny, tiny iPod and I could only fit 30 or so songs on it, I think that I could be happy for a long time with these songs plus the ones on my previous list. As luck would have it, I have an 80GB iPod and currently have about 1000 songs on it. (LOVE my iPod! It's my 2nd one - this time I went for the black with video. My first iPod is a 4GB pink mini. Love it, too, but I wanted more music. I still have the mini - I keep meaning to sell it, but it has some sentimental value to me - I need to just get over that!)
And I'll probably think of more songs that I just can't live without. Ooooh - another idea just came to me - my Top 5 (or 10) favorite Beatle's songs. Coming soon to a blog near you!
My "Costume" for the Harry Potter Release
I'm not really all that into dressing up. I mean, I love Halloween, but mostly I enjoy seeing other people's costumes. I can totally relate to the fanaticism of the HP fandom, but I'm not a dresser-upper. Go ahead if you want to, but it's not my thing.
And THE most hilarious thing of all says:
"excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?"
it's only available on a mug. I wonder if they could make a t-shirt?
All of these unlicensed items are available here
And THE most hilarious thing of all says:
"excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?"
it's only available on a mug. I wonder if they could make a t-shirt?
All of these unlicensed items are available here
I'll be putting in an order soon.
And I am sure that my 16 y.o. step-daughter will DIE of embarrassment when I wear them!
Harry Potter Midnight Release in Edinburgh
I got this info from the Leaky Lounge and will confirm it asap. Gotta get my book pre-ordered. Wouldn't that be sad if they sold out and I 'd gone all that way and wound up without a book to read!
"I received the following information from Waterstones on Princes Street Edn.:
* The front of the shop will be made to appear as the wall into Diagon Alley, which will be pulled away at midnight to reveal the book!
* We will have sweets of various persuasions to mimic the sweets in the book.
* All the staff are dressing up as various characters.
* We are looking into having a private photographer come in so that people can have souvenir pictures taken. If we do this, they will be presented in nice cards with "I was at the launch of the last Harry Potter" (something like that).
* The till and surrounds will be turned into Hogwarts."
(posted by sue1308 on the Leaky Lounge).
How cool! I've never been to a release party - I hope it's fun!
"I received the following information from Waterstones on Princes Street Edn.:
* The front of the shop will be made to appear as the wall into Diagon Alley, which will be pulled away at midnight to reveal the book!
* We will have sweets of various persuasions to mimic the sweets in the book.
* All the staff are dressing up as various characters.
* We are looking into having a private photographer come in so that people can have souvenir pictures taken. If we do this, they will be presented in nice cards with "I was at the launch of the last Harry Potter" (something like that).
* The till and surrounds will be turned into Hogwarts."
(posted by sue1308 on the Leaky Lounge).
How cool! I've never been to a release party - I hope it's fun!
Being a Harry Potter Nerd
I was in love the minute I read that first article in Newsweek. I knew by the description that I would be head over heals for this thing. And 8 years later, I still get tingles when I see it and I'm still infatuated. With Harry Potter? Isn't that a little wierd? I mean, he is a fictional boy, for cying out loud.
No, silly, not with Harry Potter himself, but with the world that J.K. Rowling has created and the incredible story that she tells. JKR has designed a world that is so extraordinary and has written a story so intriguing and emotional and amazing, that I am still here eight years later, waiting breathlessly for the final book.
When I tell people about my infatuation with these books, they look at me like I am slightly wierd (it's the Minnesota nice thing - in other parts of the country, I may get more than an odd look!). Why would an adult with a career and a family and a life be interested in a boy wizard? Isn't Harry Potter a book for kids? Don't you have other things to do? Why are you wasting your time on this?
The answer is simple; I'm in love. I love the books, I love the movies, I love the theorizing, I love the fandom. Most of all, I love the imaginary world that JKR creates in my mind every time I read her story. It's not the same kind of love I feel for my husband or dogs or family, but Harry Potter holds a special place in my heart. There is no tangible thing I can take hold of and show to other people and say 'here, this is IT, this is why Harry Potter is so great.' For me, it just is.
No, silly, not with Harry Potter himself, but with the world that J.K. Rowling has created and the incredible story that she tells. JKR has designed a world that is so extraordinary and has written a story so intriguing and emotional and amazing, that I am still here eight years later, waiting breathlessly for the final book.
When I tell people about my infatuation with these books, they look at me like I am slightly wierd (it's the Minnesota nice thing - in other parts of the country, I may get more than an odd look!). Why would an adult with a career and a family and a life be interested in a boy wizard? Isn't Harry Potter a book for kids? Don't you have other things to do? Why are you wasting your time on this?
The answer is simple; I'm in love. I love the books, I love the movies, I love the theorizing, I love the fandom. Most of all, I love the imaginary world that JKR creates in my mind every time I read her story. It's not the same kind of love I feel for my husband or dogs or family, but Harry Potter holds a special place in my heart. There is no tangible thing I can take hold of and show to other people and say 'here, this is IT, this is why Harry Potter is so great.' For me, it just is.
I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane
Don't know when I'll be back again!
OK - yes I do. I got our tickets today! WooHoo!
After scouring the internet for the best prices, I finally decided that for just a little bit more money, we could fly non-stop from MSP to London on NorthWest and was prepared to drop the big money. I checked the sight today and today's price was over $100 cheaper than Sunday's price, so I jumped on those tickets and away we go! YAY! No need to make 6 transfers or take a train from God-knows-where, England to London or stay an extra night in NYC. We get on the plane in MN and get off the plane in London. Simple. Easy. YAY!
We depart 7:00 p.m. from MSP on 10 July, arriving in London on the morning of the 11th. We will depart London at 12:30 p.m. on 26 July and arrive in MSP at 3:30 p.m. that day.
OK - yes I do. I got our tickets today! WooHoo!
After scouring the internet for the best prices, I finally decided that for just a little bit more money, we could fly non-stop from MSP to London on NorthWest and was prepared to drop the big money. I checked the sight today and today's price was over $100 cheaper than Sunday's price, so I jumped on those tickets and away we go! YAY! No need to make 6 transfers or take a train from God-knows-where, England to London or stay an extra night in NYC. We get on the plane in MN and get off the plane in London. Simple. Easy. YAY!
We depart 7:00 p.m. from MSP on 10 July, arriving in London on the morning of the 11th. We will depart London at 12:30 p.m. on 26 July and arrive in MSP at 3:30 p.m. that day.
Monday, May 21, 2007
What I'm Loving Now
1. Shorts that are 2 (yes 2) full sizes smaller than I wore last year!! WooHoo!
2. Having a day off of work last Friday (even though I was sick, going into work today was much easier).
3. Taking the dogs for a walk after dinner.
4. Watching my husband and dog Sadie practice together - Sadie LOVES her dad and is so into training - it's awesome!
5. Planning my trip!
2. Having a day off of work last Friday (even though I was sick, going into work today was much easier).
3. Taking the dogs for a walk after dinner.
4. Watching my husband and dog Sadie practice together - Sadie LOVES her dad and is so into training - it's awesome!
5. Planning my trip!
Edinburgh, Scotland
We're staying here for 2 nights - the night Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out and the next night (20 and 21 July). Looks really cool!

And here's the view from the hostel:

That's the Edinburgh Castle seen from the main entrance of the hostel. YAY!

And here's the view from the hostel:

That's the Edinburgh Castle seen from the main entrance of the hostel. YAY!
Yay!! We all graduated from Level 1 Dog School! I was so nervous. Kami was being kind of a stinker, too, probably because I made her wear her princess ballerina dress and barettes to school that night (but she got to take them off after everyone saw her!). Here are some pics:

Next is Level 2 and Agility!!

My "A Totally Inspirational Read"
Just so you don't think I am crazy, I am inspired by this article and by this woman because she is 'keeping it real'. She doesn't sugarcoat what it takes to be fit - it's hard work, it doesn't always taste very good and sometimes it just plain sucks, but the results are so worth it. And changes like this are possible with the right tools - clean eating, heavy weightlifting and consistency.
As far as other parts of her 'keeping it real' - she is very upfront about telling the reader that she does have implants and that she made that choice to make herself happy. Whatever. I just think that the things she says are right on.
As far as other parts of her 'keeping it real' - she is very upfront about telling the reader that she does have implants and that she made that choice to make herself happy. Whatever. I just think that the things she says are right on.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
B & B in the Cotswolds, England
Here's where we are staying one night on our trip to England.
I'm so excited! My step-daughter will be doing a picnic ride (I will too if my back can handle it). I can't wait! Check out the photo album.
I'm so excited! My step-daughter will be doing a picnic ride (I will too if my back can handle it). I can't wait! Check out the photo album.

And the person I've been in touch with is named Emma Shakespeare - how cool is that?!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Top 5
Top 5 Favorite: (only 5 is really hard, so these are today's choices)
Ventura Highway America
America Simon & Garfunkle
Home Simply Red
Your Love The Outfield
Africa Toto
Another 5 Favorite Songs
I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues Elton John
Fortress Around Your Heart Sting
Comfortably Numb Pink Floyd
Higher Love Steve Winwood
This One Goes Out to the One I Love REM
Artists (Musicians)
The Beatles (which includes all the memebers together and each seperately)
The Beach Boys
Sting and The Police
Simon & Garfunkle
Maroon 5
The Moon by Night Madeline L'Engle
A Ring of Endless Light Madeline L'Engle
Harry Potter Series J.K. Rowling
Persuasions Jane Austen
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
Madeline L'Engle
J.K. Rowling
Jane Austen
Dan Brown
I'll get back to this - I can't remember anything anymore!
The Princess Bride
Back to the Future Trilogy
Indiana Jones Trilogy
Ever After
Harry Potter Movies (3, 4, 1, 2)
A Fish Called Wanda
The Wonder Years
Magnum P.I.
The Simpsons
Star Trek (The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise)
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
OK - just 5 is hard to do, so I changed the rules a little!
Ventura Highway America
America Simon & Garfunkle
Home Simply Red
Your Love The Outfield
Africa Toto
Another 5 Favorite Songs
I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues Elton John
Fortress Around Your Heart Sting
Comfortably Numb Pink Floyd
Higher Love Steve Winwood
This One Goes Out to the One I Love REM
Artists (Musicians)
The Beatles (which includes all the memebers together and each seperately)
The Beach Boys
Sting and The Police
Simon & Garfunkle
Maroon 5
The Moon by Night Madeline L'Engle
A Ring of Endless Light Madeline L'Engle
Harry Potter Series J.K. Rowling
Persuasions Jane Austen
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
Madeline L'Engle
J.K. Rowling
Jane Austen
Dan Brown
I'll get back to this - I can't remember anything anymore!
The Princess Bride
Back to the Future Trilogy
Indiana Jones Trilogy
Ever After
Harry Potter Movies (3, 4, 1, 2)
A Fish Called Wanda
The Wonder Years
Magnum P.I.
The Simpsons
Star Trek (The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise)
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
OK - just 5 is hard to do, so I changed the rules a little!
Friday, May 11, 2007
What I'm Loving Now
1. Wonder Years re-runs (the narrotor sounds an awful lot like Bree's first husband on Desperate Housewives)
2. My Pirates of the Carribean t-shirt (got at DisnyLand last Sept.)
3. My jeans that are 1 full size smaller :)
4. Cool spring nights and mid-70's days - perfection!
5. My chai tea for breakfast - a little taste of heaven every morning
6. Sleeping in til 8:00 on Saturday morning
7. Making reservations at a B&B in the Cotswolds, England
8. The Beach Boys song "God Only Knows"
2. My Pirates of the Carribean t-shirt (got at DisnyLand last Sept.)
3. My jeans that are 1 full size smaller :)
4. Cool spring nights and mid-70's days - perfection!
5. My chai tea for breakfast - a little taste of heaven every morning
6. Sleeping in til 8:00 on Saturday morning
7. Making reservations at a B&B in the Cotswolds, England
8. The Beach Boys song "God Only Knows"
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Dog School
My hubby and I have have been taking the girls to school for the past 9 weeks. We are taking them to a level one class, reviewing the basics - sit, heel, down, stay, the finish, come, etc. Next week is graduation. Grandma and Grandpa B. (the dogs' grandparents) have been invited to come watch us during graduation and videotape us. Kami is practicing in her pink ballerina dress so she looks beautiful on her graduation!
We are planning on continuing into level 2. After level 2, they should be well trained enough to do agility. Kami, I believe, will hardly care about that, but I think Sadie will love agility! The dogs LOVE the training and class - really anything where they are getting positive feedback from us is fun for them!
We are planning on continuing into level 2. After level 2, they should be well trained enough to do agility. Kami, I believe, will hardly care about that, but I think Sadie will love agility! The dogs LOVE the training and class - really anything where they are getting positive feedback from us is fun for them!
The collie is Kami - she's showing off her spikey hairdo that I did with dog hair gel. Sadie is the other cutie!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I Rule!
Yep! Me. I rule!
Why do I Rule?
This past Saturday, I earned my 10% award at Weight Watchers.
This past Saturday, I also got my first 25# award (that means I lost 25# - not that the award weighs 25#).
Please note (and this is important to me), I lost the 10% prior to losing the 25# - it just happened that I couldn't make the previous week's meeting.
All told, I've lost 27#.
Yep - I rule!
Why do I Rule?
This past Saturday, I earned my 10% award at Weight Watchers.
This past Saturday, I also got my first 25# award (that means I lost 25# - not that the award weighs 25#).
Please note (and this is important to me), I lost the 10% prior to losing the 25# - it just happened that I couldn't make the previous week's meeting.
All told, I've lost 27#.
Yep - I rule!
The Amazing Race - update
Well, the Beauty Queens didn't win - boo :( Why did Dustin change her first answer? Oh well - it was an exciting finish and Eric And Danielle did a great job! Congratualtions!
Now, who wants to apply with me for the next Amazing Race?!!
Now, who wants to apply with me for the next Amazing Race?!!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Amazing Race
This is my first season watching The Amazing Race. I new that I would get hooked (I am) and I knew that I would have trouble sleeping after watching it (I do). I can't watch shows that are too exciting or suspenseful right before bed - I get way wound up!
Now it's the season finale! Who's gonna win?
My prediction is the Beauty Queens, Dustin and Kandice. Actually, that's who I want to win. My dad says he doesn't like them becasue they are too arrogant, but I just think they are confident and know what they want. It really is up in the air - any of the 3 remaining teams could win. I'm not a big fan of Charla and Mirna, but it'd be great to see an all women team win and they certainly have a few more obstacles to overcome than the other teams. And Eric and Danielle - well, they have really hung in there with 2 yields and still in the top 3. But I hope it's Dustin and Kandice.
Why is this show so addicting for me? I love seeing the places they go to - places I've never seen before, places I've dreamed of going. I love the race aspect of the game - makes me want to compete and kick some booty! It'd be so cool to do those things, so many new experiences, new places - fun! Sign me up - I'm ready to go!
Now it's the season finale! Who's gonna win?
My prediction is the Beauty Queens, Dustin and Kandice. Actually, that's who I want to win. My dad says he doesn't like them becasue they are too arrogant, but I just think they are confident and know what they want. It really is up in the air - any of the 3 remaining teams could win. I'm not a big fan of Charla and Mirna, but it'd be great to see an all women team win and they certainly have a few more obstacles to overcome than the other teams. And Eric and Danielle - well, they have really hung in there with 2 yields and still in the top 3. But I hope it's Dustin and Kandice.
Why is this show so addicting for me? I love seeing the places they go to - places I've never seen before, places I've dreamed of going. I love the race aspect of the game - makes me want to compete and kick some booty! It'd be so cool to do those things, so many new experiences, new places - fun! Sign me up - I'm ready to go!
I'm going to Europe!
It's been a long time since I was in Europe - 16 years! I always promised myself I'd go back - I just never thought it'd take me this long!
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and the final book is coming out this summer, so I want to be where it all started - the UK. I plan on being in London for 4-5 days and catching the public release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Then I will travel to Edinburgh, Scotland for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. While JKR has yet to release any info on any type of release celebration, I am hopeful that I have picked the right place to be! She does live in Edinburgh and this is where it all started, so it seems fitting that this is where it would end. I am so excited, but sad at the same time. As JKR said herself, it is bittersweet. It's an incredible time to be a fan - the parties, the forums, the podcasts! But soon we'll know what happens and I really think that this anticipation is almost as exciting and fun as the book will be (almost, but really not quite). I am trying to just enjoy all of it. And JKR did say that there will be plenty to ponder after this book, so I certainly don't think that after the book is "THE END". It's so exciting!
Anyway, I am trying to decide how long to stay in Europe. I am taking my step-daughter with me (she is not an HP fan), so I need to make sure to plan plenty of non-HP stuff to do. Since I have never been to the UK, that won't be hard. But after the book release, do we come home or travel more? My practical side says "come home - you don't have enough money", but my wanderlust keeps pushing me for more. I could push it out for nearly another week and we could do a quick trip throught the continent with a EurRail pass. My thoughts - take the EuroStar to Paris, overnight train to Rome, do the highlights in Rome and Vatican City, overnight train to Venice, one night in Venice, then either Fuessen and Neuschwanstein in Germany or Carcasonne in France before hitting Paris for a few days. The last time I was in Rome was Easter 1991 and the Vatican Museum was closed, so I didn't get to see the Sistine Chapel. And if I'm that close, why not go? I'll keep thinking.
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and the final book is coming out this summer, so I want to be where it all started - the UK. I plan on being in London for 4-5 days and catching the public release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Then I will travel to Edinburgh, Scotland for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. While JKR has yet to release any info on any type of release celebration, I am hopeful that I have picked the right place to be! She does live in Edinburgh and this is where it all started, so it seems fitting that this is where it would end. I am so excited, but sad at the same time. As JKR said herself, it is bittersweet. It's an incredible time to be a fan - the parties, the forums, the podcasts! But soon we'll know what happens and I really think that this anticipation is almost as exciting and fun as the book will be (almost, but really not quite). I am trying to just enjoy all of it. And JKR did say that there will be plenty to ponder after this book, so I certainly don't think that after the book is "THE END". It's so exciting!
Anyway, I am trying to decide how long to stay in Europe. I am taking my step-daughter with me (she is not an HP fan), so I need to make sure to plan plenty of non-HP stuff to do. Since I have never been to the UK, that won't be hard. But after the book release, do we come home or travel more? My practical side says "come home - you don't have enough money", but my wanderlust keeps pushing me for more. I could push it out for nearly another week and we could do a quick trip throught the continent with a EurRail pass. My thoughts - take the EuroStar to Paris, overnight train to Rome, do the highlights in Rome and Vatican City, overnight train to Venice, one night in Venice, then either Fuessen and Neuschwanstein in Germany or Carcasonne in France before hitting Paris for a few days. The last time I was in Rome was Easter 1991 and the Vatican Museum was closed, so I didn't get to see the Sistine Chapel. And if I'm that close, why not go? I'll keep thinking.
First Post
Well, I'm joining the blogging community. I've been thinking about this for awhile, so here I am!
My blogging goals:
1. Share a piece of me with the world.
2. Let you travel vicariously on my journeys!
3. Put a face with my business name.
4. Have fun!
5. Tell you what I think!
What I'm doing right now:
1. Waking up and watching the v*spot top 20
2. Planning my trip to Europe
3. Planning my day - working out (treadmill running if my back can handle it and lifting), vacuuming, picking up my junk that's scattered all over the house, watching the finale of The Amazing Race and then Desperate Housewives. I should also work with Kami so we do well in school on Thurs. night, but I'm feeling lazy! I also need to clean up my workshop area so I can make some scrubs for a swap.
4. Planning my line for this summer at the Becker Street Market. I have signed up for a booth and will have my soap for sale Thursday's starting June 7 from 3:30 to 6:30. I am hopeful that this will be a starting point for heading my business in the direction I want to go. I need to get a tent of some type, some signage and I think some photo posters to hang in my tent. Lots to think about and do! Not to mention making products!
What I'm reading now:
1. N.O.W. by Phil Keoghan
2.'s What Will Happen in Harry 7?
3. Top 10 Paris
4. Rick Steve's Europe Through the Back Door
What I'm listening to now:
1. Maroon 5 "Makes Me Wonder"
2. Carrie Underwood "Before He Cheats"
3. Mat Kearney "Undeniable"
4. Rocco DeLuca & the Burden "Colorful"
5. Paolo Nutini "New Shoes"
6. PotterCast
7. MuggleCast
8. Lily Allen "Smile"
9. Gwen Stefani "The Sweet Escape"
10. Katherine McPhee "Over It"
OK - and lots more! These just stick out as my newest favorites!
My blogging goals:
1. Share a piece of me with the world.
2. Let you travel vicariously on my journeys!
3. Put a face with my business name.
4. Have fun!
5. Tell you what I think!
What I'm doing right now:
1. Waking up and watching the v*spot top 20
2. Planning my trip to Europe
3. Planning my day - working out (treadmill running if my back can handle it and lifting), vacuuming, picking up my junk that's scattered all over the house, watching the finale of The Amazing Race and then Desperate Housewives. I should also work with Kami so we do well in school on Thurs. night, but I'm feeling lazy! I also need to clean up my workshop area so I can make some scrubs for a swap.
4. Planning my line for this summer at the Becker Street Market. I have signed up for a booth and will have my soap for sale Thursday's starting June 7 from 3:30 to 6:30. I am hopeful that this will be a starting point for heading my business in the direction I want to go. I need to get a tent of some type, some signage and I think some photo posters to hang in my tent. Lots to think about and do! Not to mention making products!
What I'm reading now:
1. N.O.W. by Phil Keoghan
2.'s What Will Happen in Harry 7?
3. Top 10 Paris
4. Rick Steve's Europe Through the Back Door
What I'm listening to now:
1. Maroon 5 "Makes Me Wonder"
2. Carrie Underwood "Before He Cheats"
3. Mat Kearney "Undeniable"
4. Rocco DeLuca & the Burden "Colorful"
5. Paolo Nutini "New Shoes"
6. PotterCast
7. MuggleCast
8. Lily Allen "Smile"
9. Gwen Stefani "The Sweet Escape"
10. Katherine McPhee "Over It"
OK - and lots more! These just stick out as my newest favorites!
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