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...who just got engaged in Paris. From Paris Daily Photo: PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS NOT MY PICTURE OR MY WRITING, JUST A COPY FROM Paris Daily Photo.30 mars 2008
I met them!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I did meet Manu and Smitha, the young couple that moved you - us - so much these days. Where did I meet them? Well, I'm sure you can easily guess from the background of this photo... No wonder Manu did all this for his future wife; she's absolutely adorable. Anyway, they promised they would post something on PDP when they return to DC (that is where they're from), that is today Sunday. I wish them a very happy life - and thank them for the delicious macarons from La maison du chocolat they offered me!
for Earth Hour between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. in your time zone. Dim the lights. Save energy and help save our planet.
... to Potter Puppet Pals! They won "Best Comedy" at the YouTube Awards. Even if you're not a Harry Potter fan, I think you'll find it funny!The Mysterious Ticking Noise
...JabbaWockeeZ on America's Best Dance Crew. They are really awesome, but my heart was set on Kabba Modern or BreakSk8.Check this out - my favorite from the night: BreakSk8 and Femme 5 (if this doesn't open it right up, it's #4 in the thumbnails). It was SICCKKKK (which apparently is the new word for awesome - I'm so behind the times!).
..."Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis? I love it!
I know, you must think I'm crazy, but I love America's Next Top Model. My husband thinks I'm insane, so I have no doubts that most of the rest of the universe will think that way, too. I just can't help myself. Quick, name the winners of the first 9 season: Adrianne, Yoanna, Eva, Naima, Nicole, Danielle, Caridee, Jaslene, Salisha. Who was runner up in each cycle? Cycle 1 - I didn't watch. Cycle 2 was Mercedes; cycle 3 was Yaya; cycle 4 was Kahlen; cycle 5 was Nic; cycle 6 was Joanie; cycle 7 was Melrose; cycle 8 was Natasha; cycle 9 was Chantal. (OK - I admit it - I had to go to Wiki to check all of the names of the runners-ups). But this I know - where did they go in each cycle? Cycle 1 - Paris; cycle 2 Milan; cycle 3 Tokyo; cycle 4 Cape Town, South Africa; cycle 5 London; cycle 6 Thailand; cycle 7 Barcelona; cycle 8 Sydney; cycle 9 Bejing. I have to say that I definitely have a few favorite cycles. Cycles 2, 5, 6 and 7 are my favorites. Cycle 9 didn't really impress me and cycle 8 wasn't that much better. Of the models, winners or not, the ones I liked the best and stuck out the most for me were Yoanna, Mercedes, April and Shandi from cycle 2 (loved the shoot at the lake when just the four of them were left); Catie from cycle 2 because she is from a town 15 minutes from where I live and the reason I started watching ANTM; Ann and Eva from cycle 3 - a funny friendship; Yaya from cycle 3 was so poised; Kahlen from cycle 4; I loved Kim from cycle 5 and Lisa was a hoot; cycle 5 also produced Nicole who is from Minnesota and went to college at the University 45 miles away from where I live; cycle 5 was also my favorite city - London; I love Joanie from cycle 6 and think she should have won; cycle 7 produced Caridee who is from North Dakota (go MidWest girls!); cycle 7 I liked the twins - Amanda and Michelle and I liked Melrose (even though everyone in the house hated her) and I felt bad for Brook who was eliminated on the evening of her high school graduation; cycle 8 had Natasha who kind of wierded me out with her phonecalls to her husband, but was otherwise very sweet; and cycle 9 introduced us to Heather who I love.Best villain overall? My call is Jade from cycle 6 (what an arrogant, self-righteous piece of **** - 'my look is in another realm', 'they mistook my confidence for arrogance' - whatever you wanna believe freak). Camille from cycle 2 is a close second - an unbelievable piece of work.Best Top Model? I haven't followed their careers, so truly I don't know who is doing what where, but I think Yoanna may be the best - her eyes and her face - unforgettable and simply astonishing.As far as the judges go, I love Nigel. Tyra is actually OK despite the funny clothes and looks she sometimes sports. Miss J - like him, too. I love Twiggy and am sad to see her go (the jury's still out on her replacement, Paulina). I really like Jay Manuel. HATED Janice Dickenson - there's righteous and in-your-face and confident, but she is just plain rude. Glad she's gone!
by the Go Fug Yourself Girls. Go check it out at New York Magazine.
...the scene in the new episode of The Hills where Lauren is on the back of the Vespa with Matthias driving around Paris at night, in the mist, hitting all the big sights. Tres romantique!The Hills - you can fast forward to ~36:00 for the Vespa ride, or start at the beginning and watch the whole thing.eta I LOVE Lauren's coat that she is wearing on the Vespa ride
pretty close!!! This was on Paris Daily Photo
25 mars 2008
Will you marry me?
I'm sure that once you've read this story, you'll go "Awwwwwww!" On March 6th, I received an email from a young man in the U.S., Manu. He said something like, "My girlfriend, Smitha, and I have been reading your blog every day for the past two months in preparation for a trip to Paris. What she doesn't know is that I plan on proposing to her while we are there, in front of the Eiffel Tower. Could you happen to secretly be there to take a photo of us and then we can surprise her by publishing it on your blog?" My romantic soul couldn't resist, so, we arranged for a time and place, and there I was last night (Monday) at 7:45 pm sharp on the Passerelle Debilly. By the way, we did not even talk. All this was to remain a secret until today! - so I don't even know if she said yes. I'm pretty sure she did though...who could resist a fiancé who does all this to win the heart of his wife-to-be? P.S. My camera could have done with a little more light, for sure, but it's enough to keep the memory.
p.s. She said YES! my continuing education class last week (which, btw, was fabulous!). The instructor was telling us a little bit about herself and mentioned that she had graduated from Ithaca College. I popped in and noted that I'd gone to Wells, right up the lake. She said,'hey, my sister went to Wells!'. Turns out, I graduated with her step-sister! Small world!
A few things that are new to me that I really loved. Thought I'd share:13 Going on 30 - think I need to own it!Enchanted - think I need this one, too.Rumor Has It - and this one!The Converse Line at TargetFree RadioGood Charlotte I Don't Want To Be In LoveAmerica's Best Dance Crew on MTV - my 3 favorite groups (watch the entire video of each - awesome!) from my favorite episode:Kaba ModernJabbaWockeeZ Fysh 'n Chicks and BreakSk8 are in this next video, but BreakSk8, in the second half of the video is my favorite performance of the night - quite simply - AMAZING!
"No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley"If you've read any of my posts, I'm pretty sure you can guess it's from one of my favorite movies - Back to the Future. It's on. Again!
Kids are back in the Cities. I. was here from Sun. - Sat. A. drove out Wed. and went back Sat. We had fun - I had to work, so I really didn't spend too much time with them, but it was still nice to have them! They had a belated b-day party for me - they gave me 101 Dalmations, Happy Feet and Ratatouille. We watched Happy Feet Thursday night - very cute! Friday, after 12" of snow (no joking!), we watched Enchanted - hilarious! Even I., a boy, liked it! Highly recommend it if you haven't seen it! We talked a little about summer vacation ideas - A. wants to go on a cruise (which I'd been thinking about for this Spring Break, but decided against cuz of hubby's sis and all the uncertainty surrounding it) and maybe we could do that for Christmas or next spring break. I think hubby and I will be taking A. and a friend to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and So. California. I. is being sent to Norway again - it's SOOOO good for him to get away from his mother and be on his own! He has grown so much since last year's adventure! YAY! Saturday we went to St. Cloud where A. and I went shopping at Old Navy - more very cute things for me (like I needed more clothes!) and just a shirt for A. Then we ate at Chipotle - yummmmmmmmmm! Since finding a fly in our food at our favorite Mexican restaurant last summer, we haven't had any Mexican, so Chipotle tastes really good to us now! Today is a rest day - nobody is around. I've watched America's Next Top Model Cycle 7 (Caridee wins!) most of the day and we are getting ready to go out for a walk with the dogs. It's still pretty darn cold - come on SPRING!!
The last green was too green for me, so I'll try this for awhile! I really liked my first blog look, but nearly every blog I went to had the same theme. I need something new and exciting and different (well, as exciting as a blog can be!).
...of the new color scheme? it's kinda green...hmmm...i'll have to think on it...
...really, not much.the last snowfall of the season, I hope!a continuing education class tomorrow, that I just registered for today (oops!), on stroke rehabilitation (cool!)kinda watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (or Flagon of Flame as my husband says!)I. is out for spring break. A. will be here Wed.kinda put away my winter clothes and brought out all of my spring and summer stuff - I have no space for my clothes anywhere and so I cleaned out a dresser we were using for linens and will put my clothes there (we have a wierd living arrangement - I sleep in 'A.'s room' when she's not here (which is >350 days/year), so really it's my room, but because we want the kids to feel like they have their own space here, it's 'her room'. therefore, i just sleep in a bed in there - my clothes have to go somewhere else - a pita and something that i am hoping will be able to be changed, maybe when she officially leaves home for college?). anyway, i have tons of new, awesome, really cute clothes cuz i can't stop shopping this spring, so yesterday, i pulled out 4 lawn and leaf size bags of old clothes that will go to goodwill - at least i'm good about getting rid of stuff when i bring new stuff in :)no new mattresses - the saleperson was SO annoying, i couldn't wait to get away from him and didn't even look at mattresses. i'll try again somewhere else...i made chicken potpie tonight for dinner - yum! lots of sweet onions and it was really, really good - just what i needed today!my folks go to Vegas tomorrow - their favorite vacation spot. apparently i'm dumb - my mother had to show me, yet again, how to feed her damn fish - i think i can do that - i've done it how many times??? uggghhhh - parents!i found another paris webcam - cool! i need to find a london webcam that i can put on my igoogle - any ideas??i wonder why i continue to go to the blog of a former (?) friend - morbid curiosity, mostly - i haven't seen her in over 3 years and she has made no effort to get in touch with me, nor i her, i guess, after she promised to call me to meet me and never did 2-3 years ago. it's like that line in The Big Chill that William Hurt's character said "a long time ago we knew each other for a short period of time; you don't know anything about me. It was easy back then. No one had a cushier berth than we did. It's not surprising our friendship could survive that. It's only out there in the real world that it gets tough." it's not that i don't care about her, but i guess i know where i stand in her life - pretty close to the bottom of her list. kinda sucky...i bought the new Biggest Loser book - kind of an inspirational book more than a how-to book and each time i watch the show or read something about the people on there, i am so very happy that i have chosen, and will not ever choose, to have surgery to lose weight. it really sucks being fat (and having a brain tumor and thyroid disease), but i know that if i set my mind to it (and with me, that is truly >90% of the battle), i will be able to do it and keep it off and be healthy. i don't have to worry about malnutrition, dehydration, rickets, vitamin deficiencies, etc, etc all for the wont of being thin. believe me, there truly are worse things than being fat and i'm not willing to be sliced open and have parts of me extricated just so i look a certain way. deal with it...whoa - listen to me rant - must be having major attitude problems today :) love ya!
1. It's my birthday - while I'm not really excited about being a year older (the clock can stop anytime now), it's still my day!2. I saw a high school classmate tonight at dinner that I hadn't seen in over 15 years - cool!3. Free Radio on VH1 - Lance is SUCH a dork, but damn, it's funny (in a really stupid way!)4. Maybe, hopefully, I'm getting a new mattress tomorrow??!!5. The weekend!!! Whew, what a looonnnngggggg week. I hope to sleep well and often this weekend!
1. The sky doesn't get dark til 6:30. And starting next Sunday, it won't be dark until 7:30. WooHoo DST!2. The pants I'm wearing today - they just fit so well and are so comfy! I bought 2 pair - one khaki and one grey. Love them!3. The Hills starts up again on March 244. Love Song by Sara Bareilles and Same Mistake by James Blunt and I'll Be Waiting by Lenny Kravitz and Don't Stop the Music by Rhianna
I'm turning into a Reeses Peanut Butter Egg - I can't stop eating them...
I WILL get the rest of my trip posted - what a slug I've been. I'm like a reptile or something - I sssllloooooooowwwwwwwwwww way down in the fall and don't start to come back to life til March or April.BTW, I love reading what I have written - what a fabulous trip I had! Have I mentioned that I LOVE to travel??!!!
Brook's BlogA Map for Saturday's creator/star, Brook Silva-Brag, is off a new adventure - travelling with the boys from The World by Road by car through Africa. Wow. Amazing, yet very scary with all the political turmoil. I really admire them and can't wait to see the final product.Political BitchesYou go girls! These young women are taking a stand and fighting back and not believing everything that the American press regurgitates over and over again. It's so awesome to see young people (ugghh - does that make me sound old or what?) take an interest in where our country is heading. And man have we been heading in THE TOTALLY WRONG DIRECTION for the past 8 years (in case you were wondering where I stand).London Daily PhotoPretty much the title explains it all...Cheltenham Daily PhotoAgain, the tittle says it all...Paris Daily PhotoSelf explanatory againA game I found and love - Know Your World?
OK - really not that earth shattering - and actually it's kind of embarassing, but I haven't signed into blogger for 3 mos. because I have my i-google set up just the way I like it and when I sign into blogger, it changes and then I have to figure out how to get it back. Yah - that's really it - dumb! But I love my i-google! I have my news stuff, my daily puppy, my Einstein quote, the moon phases, daily quotes and best of all - world webcam and Eiffel Tower webcam, and the world sunlight map - I am loving watching how this changes with the changing of the seasons! Yep - I'm a nerd!So, as long as I'm here ( and why am I here anyway? I just watched A Map for Saturday and had to post on the filmaker's blog and had to sign in), here's what's up:1. SIL is in Omaha continuing with her physical rehabilitation after her aneurysm - doing better, but her longterm prognosis will include some significant disabilities2. Hubby has been with SIL for more than 10 out of the last 12 weeks, either in Reno or now Omaha, being a great brother and really being the rock in his family - good for him!3. Kami still limps sometime cuz of her shoulder injury last summer and I'm contemplating if I should take her in or maybe it just needs more time? 4. I might survive winter - it's finally March - thank goodness!5. Did I call The Amazing Race or what? Yah - I rule! Actually, by the end I wanted Don and Nicolas to win. A great race. I still wanna do it - any takers?!6. Still working and finally got my building to see the light - more Med A's = more revenue = keeps us busier = we both get to stay and work FT at the building (not that my job was at risk, but it means that I if only I could find someone to take the management position at the other building, I'd have enough to do at my building). We are doing 12 short-term rehab suites compleste with flat screens, recliners, etc - yay! We may even be looking at a new addition that will include a new therapy department. YAY!7. Haven't moved my ass all winter long and it looks like it - ugghhh! I hate winter - why do I still live in MN???8. Current Favorites: TV - The Biggest Loser, America's Next Top Model and Free Radio. I've also been watching Survivor and Supernanny cuz there's nothing on and why try to do anything than watch tv during the long, cold evenings at home alone?!! (I need spring!) I caught the premiere of Living with the Mek on the Travel Channel, but they moved it to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday nights and I need to start getting ready for bed early on Sunday nights to prepare for the week ahead, so I haven't stayed up on that. I've found 2 Scooby Doo shows on from 5-6 p.m., so that's filling my dinner hour instead of re-re-re-watching M*A*S*H* (don't get me wrong, I love it, just needed a break). Just got done with A Map For Saturday - it's a link on the main page and well worth watching - it brought back all those wanderlust feelings - I LOVE to travel...Music - Quite a few new songs, but can't currently think of the names of said songs - I'll get back to this!Movies - really liked Juno (didn't care for the soundtrack that much, but the movie was great). Saw National Treasure II - good, but not quite as good as the first. These were both way back in January - I really haven't gone to see anything since. I want to see The Bucket List, hmmmm... what else is out there? I just watched Rumor Has It tonight - great movie, loved it and probably one I need to own. I love Jennifer Anniston!Books - I just finished Valerie Bertinelli's book - Losing It...And Gaining My Life Back One Pound At a Time - highly recommend it. While I'm not a celebrity, I can identify so much with what she's written. I have A New Earth scheduled next cuz I was thinking of doing Oprah's online class - we'll see if that gets done. I also have eat, pray, love waiting in the wings, a ton of magazines and a ton of re-reads that need to be done. Oh yah, I just did some re-reads on The Cat Who... books I have (sold the majoruty at a gargae sale a few years ago) and read the new one (easy, light reading there).Online - London, Paris and Cheltenham Daily Photo blogs, The Amazing Race site, Go Fug Yourself, The Leaky Cauldron, MuggleNet, London Underground Blogger, jpfitness Forum, soap pirate blog. I make the rounds on these daily.Sooooo.........that's it in a nutshell! I'll try to be back sooner than the 3 month mark!