Sometimes I really identify with transgendered individuals. You know the folks I’m talking about—female brain born in a male body or vice versa. Spending more than a decade in an obese body somehow altered my brain chemistry. I have days where I still have my fat girl brain, even though I am now in a lean girl body. It all started yesterday when I impulsively signed up to do the holiday bridge challenge today-- a 3 mile competitive run or a 1 mile fun walk. I wisely chose the fun walk--the perfect recovery activity to sandwich between my 3 mile tempo run yesterday and my 6 mile long run tomorrow.
Packet pickup was at our local running store yesterday. I was surprised to find out that a Brooks technical running tshirt was part of my entry fee. And even more impressive, they had both women’s sizes and men’s sizes. Now I have been ordering medium race tshirts (men sizes) for the better part of a year now. No shocker there. The true shocker came when I tried on the women’s size large and it was too big. Me? A runners medium? Manufacturers of runners clothing are notorious for reverse vanity sizing. I like to think that it all started with some thin, gangly champion high school runner who always yearned for the body of a football player. As he grew older and more successful, he started his own running clothing company-finally he was able to become that size Large that his brain always knew he was, despite still weighing what he did in high school. But I digress.
Not only did a size medium Brooks running shirt fit. So did my size medium Lucy running shorts that I bought for $11 on sale before I was a size medium. And the Pearl Izumi size medium long sleeved running T’s. and the size medium Brooks running tights in black with neon yellow stripes up the leg. And the matching size medium Brooks long sleeved T with neon yellow strips up the arm. Things I never had the confidence to wear 75 pounds ago.
So off I went to the walk this morning in my size medium Brooks running T and my size medium Lucy running shorts, and placed my medium ass at the back of the pack with the walkers. Two women my age, Wanda and Kat, and Wanda’s parents, befriended me and invited me to walk with them. They planned to do the mile walk, and then if Wanda’s parents (in their 70’s) felt up to it, they were going to walk the entire 3 mile course just for fun. Game on! So we settled into a nice easy pace. At the one mile finish, Wanda’s parents wanted to do the whole enchilada, so off we went. The parents seemed engrossed in their own conversation, so Wanda, Kat and I started swapping fitness stories.
Turns out, Wanda is a trainer at a local gym. And Kat is an ex-motorcycle cop, exercise junkie extraordinaire. We had much to talk about, naturally. At one point, Kat had to stop to use the bathroom, and Wanda’s parents elected to continue walking. They were really motoring, and when I commented on how impressed I was, Wanda agreed, that yes, they had definitely improved their fitness—they are newcomers to fitness, after a lifetime of obesity and sedentary behavior. They had built this level of endurance in just a year, at the encouragement of Wanda’s sister, a marathon runner. And certainly, Wanda was very proud of her parents. But then she started trash-talking their eating behaviors. The Junk Food. The Sugar. The Diner Food. Oh MY! And I found myself trash-talking right along with her. I lamented how my own parents were losing the food battle themselves, remaining severely obese despite ever declining levels of mobility and energy as they near their late sixties. And we trashed talked some more about THOSE people who just can’t seem to get their shit together and GET IT DONE. Just stop eating the wrong things. Just start moving more. You too can be a runner size medium just like me.
Somewhere near mile 3, I realized that by trash-talking about THOSE people, I was trash-talking about myself. I felt the need to “come out of the closet” and admit, that yes, despite the convincing runner girl exterior, I too was one of THOSE people. Someone who figured out fitness before food—someone who improved her fitness enough to drag her obese ass across the finish line of her first marathon, only to recover with a 6 course Thai dinner and a large Dairy Queen Cookie Dough Blizzard. Wanda and Kat seemed unaffected by my confession. In fact, they invited me to brunch with them. I declined, not sure that I was ready to eat around new friends who had always been lean. What would they think if I ordered the delectable Harvest Pumpkin Pancake, complete with white chocolate chips, pecans and cranberries? Would that mean that I was switching sides? If walking the bridges and contemplating the merits of fruits and vegetables makes me one of THEM, would choosing the Harvest Pumpkin Pancake over the poached egg and fruit make me one of THOSE people?
And then I realized that most people probably don’t give a rat’s behind what I am or am not eating. Sometimes I will choose the poached egg and fruit. Sometimes I choose the Harvest Pumpkin Pancake. Today, with the safety of my supportive husband who has loved me at all of my various shapes and sizes, I did the unthinkable. I ordered the Ginormous Dinner-Plate sized Harvest Pumpkin Pancake. And a cup of yummy lentil soup. And the large fruit bowl. Because those are the things that I actually wanted to eat at brunch. And I enjoyed the variety. The freshness of the fruit bowl-the crunchy, delicate taste of the honeydew melon, contrasting with the sweeter sweet of the blueberries and strawberries. The ripe banana slices. The salty, earthy broth of the lentil soup. And the Harvest Pumpkin Pancake---well let me just say that syrup would have ruined the absolute perfection of this creation! Moist pumpkin base, almost a custard consistency, dotted with white chocolate chips, pecans, dried cranberries, carmelized sugar. And if enjoying this masterpiece makes me one of THOSE people, well, than I guess I am.
The truth is, for the decade plus of my life that I spent in an obese body, I had a lean, fit athlete brain trapped in an unfit, obese body, which gradually became a fit obese body, and finally a fit, leaner body. But as much as I want to pretend that I have always had my nutritional shit together, the truth is, who I am today required an unbelievable amount of hard work. After many years of daily practice, many stumbles, falls, false starts, and restarts, I really do think I have fully transitioned to a fit, lean person.
People who are making the transition from male to female or female to male have to live a full year as their intended gender before the surgeon will do genital reassignment surgery. I am coming up on a full year of living at a body weight that is normal for my height and weight. I believe that I am fully transitioned. I believe that I am not meant to live in an obese body. I’m ready for my surgery now. But unfortunately, there is no brain surgery that guarantees that I won’t return to that obese woman who didn’t feel full after a 6 course Thai meal and a large cookie dough blizzard. But every day that I practice my lean girl behaviors, it gets easier and easier. And I learn that life in a lean body really isn’t an US versus THEM battle. Some people struggle with food. Some people have never had to struggle with food. But at the end of the day, trash-talking the strugglers really isn’t helpful. Sharing your road map with those who struggle might be.
my training log:
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
copy of an email making the rounds:
Dear Red States:
We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our
own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with
us. In case you aren't aware, that includes
California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. It may
even include New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Florida and Ohio,
they are seriously considering it. We've given them
until Nov. 4th to decide. We believe this split will be
beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of
the new country. Since we're dropping the middle states
we're calling it United America, or simply the U.A.
To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the
slave states. We get stem cell research and the best
beaches. We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.
You can take Ted Nugent. We'r e keeping Bruce Springsteen
and Billy Joel. You get WorldCom. We get Intel and
Microsoft. You get Ole' Miss. We get Harvard and 85
percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs.
You get Alabama . We get two-thirds of the tax revenue,
you get to make the red states pay their fair share.
Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than
the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy
families. You get a bunch of single moms, and the highest
concentration of pregnant unwed teenagers. Please be aware
that the U.A. will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're
going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If
you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have
kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths
for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't
show pictures of their children's caske ts coming home.
We do wish you success in Iraq, and hope that the WMDs turn
up, really we do, but we're not willing to spend our
resources in Bush's Quagmire. We'd rather spend it
on taking care of sick people, and educating our children.
With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of
80 percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90
percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the
nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's
quality wines, 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the
high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all
living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven
Sister schools plus Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT. With the Red
States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88
percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health
care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquit oes, nearly 100
percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99
percent of all Southern Baptists,virtually 100 percent of
all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University,
Clemson and the University of Georgia. We get Hollywood and
Yosemite, thank you.
Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe
Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe
life is sacred unless we're discussing the war, the
death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is
only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11
and 61 percent of you crazy Redies believe you are people
with higher morals then we Bluies..
Peace out,
Blue States
Dear Red States:
We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our
own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with
us. In case you aren't aware, that includes
California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. It may
even include New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Florida and Ohio,
they are seriously considering it. We've given them
until Nov. 4th to decide. We believe this split will be
beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of
the new country. Since we're dropping the middle states
we're calling it United America, or simply the U.A.
To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the
slave states. We get stem cell research and the best
beaches. We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.
You can take Ted Nugent. We'r e keeping Bruce Springsteen
and Billy Joel. You get WorldCom. We get Intel and
Microsoft. You get Ole' Miss. We get Harvard and 85
percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs.
You get Alabama . We get two-thirds of the tax revenue,
you get to make the red states pay their fair share.
Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than
the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy
families. You get a bunch of single moms, and the highest
concentration of pregnant unwed teenagers. Please be aware
that the U.A. will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're
going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If
you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have
kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths
for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't
show pictures of their children's caske ts coming home.
We do wish you success in Iraq, and hope that the WMDs turn
up, really we do, but we're not willing to spend our
resources in Bush's Quagmire. We'd rather spend it
on taking care of sick people, and educating our children.
With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of
80 percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90
percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the
nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's
quality wines, 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the
high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all
living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven
Sister schools plus Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT. With the Red
States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88
percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health
care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquit oes, nearly 100
percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99
percent of all Southern Baptists,virtually 100 percent of
all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University,
Clemson and the University of Georgia. We get Hollywood and
Yosemite, thank you.
Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe
Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe
life is sacred unless we're discussing the war, the
death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is
only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11
and 61 percent of you crazy Redies believe you are people
with higher morals then we Bluies..
Peace out,
Blue States
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Amazing Race 13
Totally addicted yet again! I was SO very sad to see Mark and Bill go home - I so wanted them to win:( I'm not sure who I think will win or who I want to win - I think that Starr and Nick and Kelly and Christy will go far, along with Ken and Tina and Terrence and Sarah. I think I like Toni and Dallas best of the remaining teams, but I don't think they'll make it to the final 3. Hmmmm.....
BTW, as of today, I have a friend who said she'd try out with me to be on TAR!!!!! I have been SOOOOO excited because it is my ultimate dream, but I got an email from her the other day and now she's not so sure....but is still processing. So we'll see. I'm trying not to pressure, but let her make up her mind because I'd only want to do this with someone who wants to do it as much as I do. To prepare, WW starts again on Monday and back into training I go!
BTW, as of today, I have a friend who said she'd try out with me to be on TAR!!!!! I have been SOOOOO excited because it is my ultimate dream, but I got an email from her the other day and now she's not so sure....but is still processing. So we'll see. I'm trying not to pressure, but let her make up her mind because I'd only want to do this with someone who wants to do it as much as I do. To prepare, WW starts again on Monday and back into training I go!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A New Favorite Song and Video
Stephenie Meyer did the treatment and is listed as co-director. Regardless of her involvement, I LOVE this song!
Friday, October 3, 2008
All Week
I've been off the computer and am catching up tonight. I missed quite a bit; Stephenie Meyer's site was updated with The Making of The Resolution Video by Jack's Mannequin and the first song to be released from the Twilight movie soundtrack - Decode by Paramore (scroll down)(love Paramore, love the song), some SoapDishers updated us on their fabulous trip to India (soooooo very jealous!), I continued my tour down the Royal Mile of Edinburgh via Edinburgh Daily Photo, and I caught up on all the Twilight news here and here. Phew. What a week!
to the old title
be the change you want to see (aka the pursuit of the ultimate harry potter experience)
Hello to the new title
my favorite thing is to go where I've never been
(borrowed from Rebecca-VT's siggie on the Dish-not only does she take great photos, she has a great quote as well-thanks!)
but do remember to be the change you want to see - it can make a world of difference
be the change you want to see (aka the pursuit of the ultimate harry potter experience)
Hello to the new title
my favorite thing is to go where I've never been
(borrowed from Rebecca-VT's siggie on the Dish-not only does she take great photos, she has a great quote as well-thanks!)
but do remember to be the change you want to see - it can make a world of difference
Monday, September 29, 2008
New Title
I think that I will be changing my blog title to
"My favorite thing is to go where I've never been"
a quote by Diane Arbus.
Yah - I LIKE it!
"My favorite thing is to go where I've never been"
a quote by Diane Arbus.
Yah - I LIKE it!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Back To School Playlist
No, I didn't go back to schol this year (I don't really want to), nor do I have children that went back to school. Rather, it is just that time of year. As Tom Hanks' character said to Meg Ryan's character in You've Got Mail, "Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils"; my bouquet of sharpened pencils for you is this 2008 Back to School Playlist.
Courtship Dating by Crystal Castles
Stay Out by Hit the Lights
Was I On Your Mind by Jessie Baylin
My Year In Lists by Los Campesinos!
Electric Feel by MGMT
Shattered by O.A.R.
Corona and Lime by Shwayze
Not a Love Song by Uh Huh Her
Untouched by The Veronicas
Disturbia by Rhianna
Pieces by The Bridges
Kim & Jessie by M83
Paper Planes by M.I.A. (as much as it bothers me, I also like it, so here it is)
Spaz by N.E.R.D
Superwoman by Aicia Keys
No Room to Breathe by There For Tomorrow
Better In Time by Leona Lewis
Cath by Death Cab For Cutie
Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings
One Step at a Time by Jordan Sparks
So What by Pink
Thunder by Boys Like Girls
Dream Catch Me by Newton Faulkner
Chasing Pavements by Adele
Cry For You by September
Courtship Dating by Crystal Castles
Stay Out by Hit the Lights
Was I On Your Mind by Jessie Baylin
My Year In Lists by Los Campesinos!
Electric Feel by MGMT
Shattered by O.A.R.
Corona and Lime by Shwayze
Not a Love Song by Uh Huh Her
Untouched by The Veronicas
Disturbia by Rhianna
Pieces by The Bridges
Kim & Jessie by M83
Paper Planes by M.I.A. (as much as it bothers me, I also like it, so here it is)
Spaz by N.E.R.D
Superwoman by Aicia Keys
No Room to Breathe by There For Tomorrow
Better In Time by Leona Lewis
Cath by Death Cab For Cutie
Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings
One Step at a Time by Jordan Sparks
So What by Pink
Thunder by Boys Like Girls
Dream Catch Me by Newton Faulkner
Chasing Pavements by Adele
Cry For You by September
Stephenie Meyers' Twlight Series Playlists
One reason I love Stpehenie Meyer so much is that she is just like me in respect to music; not so much our tastes are the same, but the way we both have soundtracks or playlists that go along with our lives, or in her case, her fictional characters lives. I am forever making playlists - current ones and past ones - that correspond to the big and small things that have happened in my life. And I can truly tell you where I was or what I was doing or what emotion I was feeling when I hear a song. So, I love that Stephenie does this, too. And I love Bella. And I love Edward. And I love Jacob. And now they all have their songs to go along with their characters and what happens to them in the books. The bits in parentheses are from the authors at
Twilight Soundtrack
1. Why Does it Always Rain on Me? — Travis (Bella’s arrival)
2. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) [video edit] — My Chemical Romance (Edward leaving and Bella frustrated)
3. Creep [radio edit] — Radiohead (Edward)
4. In My Place — Coldplay (Bella learns the truth and waits to see Edward)
5. By Myself — Linkin Park (Edward & Bella Port Angeles)
6. Dreaming — OMD
7. Please Forgive Me — David Gray (being in the meadow and confessions)
8. Here With Me — Dido (alone in Bella’s room)
9. With You [reanimation remix] — Linkin Park (separated)
10. Time is Running Out — Muse (rescue)
11. Dreams — The Cranberries (saved)
12. Tremble for My Beloved — Collective Soul
13. Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) — Billy Joel
New Moon Soundtrack
(B) = Bella, (J) = Jacob, (E) = Edward
1. Do you realize? - The Flaming Lips (B)
2. Papercut - Linkin Park (B)(birthday party)
3. Hyper Music - Muse (B)(Edward tells Bella he’s leaving)
4. Apocalypse Please - Muse (B)
5. Time Stands Still - The All-American Rejects (B)(4 months pass)
6. Empty Room - Marjorie Fair (B)
7. Unwell - Matchbox Twenty (B)
8. Pain - Jimmy Eat World (B)
9. Ride - The Vines (B)
10. Fix You - Coldplay (J)
11. Blueside - Rooney (B)
12. Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray (B)
13. Going Under - Evanescence (B)
14. Tautou - Brand New (B)
15. Be My Escape - Relient K (B)
16. Never Let You Down - Verve Pipe (J)
17. Sing For Absolution - Muse (E)(Edward discovering Bella is “dead”)
18. Ya Mamma - Fatboy Slim (Generic action-scene music)
19. D.O.A. - Foo Fighters
20. Stare - Marjorie Fair (B)
21. Memory - Sugarcult (B)
22. The Truth About Heaven - Armor For Sleep (B)
23. The Scientist - Coldplay (E)
24. Sound of Pulling Heaven Down - Blue October (E)
Eclipse Playlist
1. Mexican Standoff — Elbow
2. Hamburg Song — Keane
3. Clocks — Coldplay
4. The Small Print — Muse
5. Stab My Back — The All-American Rejects (Jacob, Bella & Edward dilemma)
6. Overweight [edited] — Blue October
7. Mr. Brightside — The Killers (spending time with Jacob)
8. Newborn — Muse
9. Love Me Like You — The Magic Numbers
10. Vindicated — Dashboard Confessional (Edward)
11. Hysteria — Muse
12. Uninvited — Alanis Morissette
13. Yes Please — Muse (Bella being selfish)
14. Infra-Red — Placebo
15. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot — Brand New (Jacob tricks Bella into kissing him)
16. Luv — Travis
17. Blackout — Muse
18. It's A Disaster — Ok Go
*This Is How I Disappear — My Chemical Romance
*Sleep — My Chemical Romance
*Falling Away With You — Muse
*Accident & Emergency — Patrick Wolf
*The Well and the Lighthouse — Arcade Fire
*"I couldn't make up my mind about the last song on the playlist, so pick your favorite of these five!" (per SM)
Breaking Dawn Playlist
Book I
1. Wouldn't It Be Nice - Beach Boys
2. White Wedding - Billy Idol
3. (Never Tear Us Apart - INXS)
4. (Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - Muse) (wedding)
5. Congratulations -Blue October (seeing Jake at the reception)
6. Take Me Away -Plain White T's (confrontation at the reception)
7. Dark Blue - Jack's Mannequin (honeymoon)
8. No More Keeping My Feet on the Ground - Coldplay
9. Hemorrhage - Fuel (Bella discovers she’s pregnant)
Book II
1. Down In It -Nine Inch Nails
2. What it Takes - Aerosmith
3. Earth to Bella (part 1) - Incubus (Jake discovers the truth about Bella)
4. No I in Threesome - Interpol (Leah joins Jake’s pack)
5. Twisted Transistor - Korn
6. Wolf Like Me - TV on the Radio
7. The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance (struggling with the situation)
8. Point of Extinction -Motion City Soundtrack (realizing Bella’s time is short)
9. Accelerate - R.E.M.
10. My Never (song not released until March 2009) - Blue October
11. Someone to Die For - Jimmy Gnecco
Book III
1. Today - Smashing Pumpkins (Bella is a vamp)
2. I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred
3. (Chase this Light - Jimmy Eat World)
4. (Your Love is Lifting Me Higher - Jackie Wilson)
5. Pts. Of Athrty - Linkin Park (the Volturi threat)
6. Duck and Run - 3 Doors Down (Bella training her power)
7. Hazy Shade of Winter - Simon and Garfunkel (awaiting the Volturi)
8. I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie (facing the Volturi)
9. Intro [Absolution] - Muse
10. Take A Bow - Muse (confronting the Volturi)
11. Assassin - Muse
12. Invincible - Ok Go (Bella)
13. Safe - Travis
14. No Cars Go - Arcade Fire
per SM - "The songs in parenthesis are alternates where I couldn't decide which one I wanted to use, or I'm still waiting for the perfect song to occur to me."
Twilight Soundtrack
1. Why Does it Always Rain on Me? — Travis (Bella’s arrival)
2. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) [video edit] — My Chemical Romance (Edward leaving and Bella frustrated)
3. Creep [radio edit] — Radiohead (Edward)
4. In My Place — Coldplay (Bella learns the truth and waits to see Edward)
5. By Myself — Linkin Park (Edward & Bella Port Angeles)
6. Dreaming — OMD
7. Please Forgive Me — David Gray (being in the meadow and confessions)
8. Here With Me — Dido (alone in Bella’s room)
9. With You [reanimation remix] — Linkin Park (separated)
10. Time is Running Out — Muse (rescue)
11. Dreams — The Cranberries (saved)
12. Tremble for My Beloved — Collective Soul
13. Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) — Billy Joel
New Moon Soundtrack
(B) = Bella, (J) = Jacob, (E) = Edward
1. Do you realize? - The Flaming Lips (B)
2. Papercut - Linkin Park (B)(birthday party)
3. Hyper Music - Muse (B)(Edward tells Bella he’s leaving)
4. Apocalypse Please - Muse (B)
5. Time Stands Still - The All-American Rejects (B)(4 months pass)
6. Empty Room - Marjorie Fair (B)
7. Unwell - Matchbox Twenty (B)
8. Pain - Jimmy Eat World (B)
9. Ride - The Vines (B)
10. Fix You - Coldplay (J)
11. Blueside - Rooney (B)
12. Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray (B)
13. Going Under - Evanescence (B)
14. Tautou - Brand New (B)
15. Be My Escape - Relient K (B)
16. Never Let You Down - Verve Pipe (J)
17. Sing For Absolution - Muse (E)(Edward discovering Bella is “dead”)
18. Ya Mamma - Fatboy Slim (Generic action-scene music)
19. D.O.A. - Foo Fighters
20. Stare - Marjorie Fair (B)
21. Memory - Sugarcult (B)
22. The Truth About Heaven - Armor For Sleep (B)
23. The Scientist - Coldplay (E)
24. Sound of Pulling Heaven Down - Blue October (E)
Eclipse Playlist
1. Mexican Standoff — Elbow
2. Hamburg Song — Keane
3. Clocks — Coldplay
4. The Small Print — Muse
5. Stab My Back — The All-American Rejects (Jacob, Bella & Edward dilemma)
6. Overweight [edited] — Blue October
7. Mr. Brightside — The Killers (spending time with Jacob)
8. Newborn — Muse
9. Love Me Like You — The Magic Numbers
10. Vindicated — Dashboard Confessional (Edward)
11. Hysteria — Muse
12. Uninvited — Alanis Morissette
13. Yes Please — Muse (Bella being selfish)
14. Infra-Red — Placebo
15. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot — Brand New (Jacob tricks Bella into kissing him)
16. Luv — Travis
17. Blackout — Muse
18. It's A Disaster — Ok Go
*This Is How I Disappear — My Chemical Romance
*Sleep — My Chemical Romance
*Falling Away With You — Muse
*Accident & Emergency — Patrick Wolf
*The Well and the Lighthouse — Arcade Fire
*"I couldn't make up my mind about the last song on the playlist, so pick your favorite of these five!" (per SM)
Breaking Dawn Playlist
Book I
1. Wouldn't It Be Nice - Beach Boys
2. White Wedding - Billy Idol
3. (Never Tear Us Apart - INXS)
4. (Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - Muse) (wedding)
5. Congratulations -Blue October (seeing Jake at the reception)
6. Take Me Away -Plain White T's (confrontation at the reception)
7. Dark Blue - Jack's Mannequin (honeymoon)
8. No More Keeping My Feet on the Ground - Coldplay
9. Hemorrhage - Fuel (Bella discovers she’s pregnant)
Book II
1. Down In It -Nine Inch Nails
2. What it Takes - Aerosmith
3. Earth to Bella (part 1) - Incubus (Jake discovers the truth about Bella)
4. No I in Threesome - Interpol (Leah joins Jake’s pack)
5. Twisted Transistor - Korn
6. Wolf Like Me - TV on the Radio
7. The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance (struggling with the situation)
8. Point of Extinction -Motion City Soundtrack (realizing Bella’s time is short)
9. Accelerate - R.E.M.
10. My Never (song not released until March 2009) - Blue October
11. Someone to Die For - Jimmy Gnecco
Book III
1. Today - Smashing Pumpkins (Bella is a vamp)
2. I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred
3. (Chase this Light - Jimmy Eat World)
4. (Your Love is Lifting Me Higher - Jackie Wilson)
5. Pts. Of Athrty - Linkin Park (the Volturi threat)
6. Duck and Run - 3 Doors Down (Bella training her power)
7. Hazy Shade of Winter - Simon and Garfunkel (awaiting the Volturi)
8. I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie (facing the Volturi)
9. Intro [Absolution] - Muse
10. Take A Bow - Muse (confronting the Volturi)
11. Assassin - Muse
12. Invincible - Ok Go (Bella)
13. Safe - Travis
14. No Cars Go - Arcade Fire
per SM - "The songs in parenthesis are alternates where I couldn't decide which one I wanted to use, or I'm still waiting for the perfect song to occur to me."
Friday, September 5, 2008
New Season of TV
Thank you CW for rescuing me from the summer TV doldrums! At last, new TV! It started with Gossip Girl on Monday, follwed by 90210 on Tuesday, then America's Next Top Model on Wednesday. On Thursday, I watched the parts I'd missed of 90210.
The verdict?
Well, actaully, I enjoyed them all!
Gossip Girl - just like chocolate, I can't get enough!
90210 - I think I may love this more than the original. No, really. I really, really like it. Can't wait for next week. (except, are those girls like super-duper extra skinny or what??)
ANTM - early favorites are Marjorie, McKey and Elina. I was SOOO happy to see ShRaun go home - ewwwwww. And I hate Clark and Sheena already.
I'm looking forward to the new vampire show on HBO - True Blood, Desperate Housewives and The Amazing Race. I should probably stop with those, otherwise I WILL spend all my time in front of the TV all winter long!
The verdict?
Well, actaully, I enjoyed them all!
Gossip Girl - just like chocolate, I can't get enough!
90210 - I think I may love this more than the original. No, really. I really, really like it. Can't wait for next week. (except, are those girls like super-duper extra skinny or what??)
ANTM - early favorites are Marjorie, McKey and Elina. I was SOOO happy to see ShRaun go home - ewwwwww. And I hate Clark and Sheena already.
I'm looking forward to the new vampire show on HBO - True Blood, Desperate Housewives and The Amazing Race. I should probably stop with those, otherwise I WILL spend all my time in front of the TV all winter long!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
DCFC I Will Possess Your Heart
Just so you know, I do listen to the lyrics and yah, they're a little creepy, but mostly I think I just love the video and I tune the creepiness out and imagine it to be someone the girl already knows well, a good friend, who wants to be more than friends and she's trying to figure out if she can be that way with him (not a creepy stalker thing). Yah, just so you know...
You Know... just hurts to be told that you are not family to several people you have really given everything to for the last how many years. That is all. I need a change in attitude and maybe a change in location.
...I really prefer Blogger to Facebook.
...I really don't want to drive 5+ hours in the car tomorrow.
...I can be kind of funny sometimes!
...I really prefer Blogger to Facebook.
...I really don't want to drive 5+ hours in the car tomorrow.
...I can be kind of funny sometimes!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I'm Back!
Didja even know I was gone?!!
We went to SoCal on vacation - stayed in Anaheim and had a great time! Hubby and I took A. and a friend and we all came home exhausted! We went on a Hollywood Tour, to Universal Studios, to DisneyLand, to the beach, had a beach bbq with my CA family and went whale and dolphin watching and saw hundreds of dolphins and 3 blue whales - like within 25 feet from the whales! SO COOL! Now I'm tired and wish I was back in SoCal! I LOVE it there!!
We went to SoCal on vacation - stayed in Anaheim and had a great time! Hubby and I took A. and a friend and we all came home exhausted! We went on a Hollywood Tour, to Universal Studios, to DisneyLand, to the beach, had a beach bbq with my CA family and went whale and dolphin watching and saw hundreds of dolphins and 3 blue whales - like within 25 feet from the whales! SO COOL! Now I'm tired and wish I was back in SoCal! I LOVE it there!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Still Obsessed
with the Twilight series. I'm on re-read number 3. I LOVE THESE BOOKS. And Edward. I want to be Bella.
More Complete Than I Ever Dreamed
My life, that is. I changed our cable and we now get MTV-U and the other MTV music channels (did I write this before??) and i now watch nothing but MTV and am catching up on all sorts of awesome music. I LOVE IT! I've missed MTV.
Facebook vs. Blogger
I really like BLogger better, but everyone is on Facebook, so there I am, confused and confuzzled. Blogger is just so much easier. Simple. Ahhhh simplicity. I like it!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Happiness Is...
...sleeping in til 9:30, lounging around in my pj's, watching part of The Goonies, hanging out on and taking a 3 hour long nap in the afternoon. aaahhhh...catching up on sleep is sweet!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Summer 2008 Playlist
All Around Me Flyleaf
All Summer Long Kid Rock
I Kissed A Girl Katy Perry
If I Never See Your Face Again Maroon 5 Ft. Rhianna
That's What You Get Paramore
Buzzin' Schwayze Ft. Cisco
I'm Yours Jason Mraz
New Soul Yael Naim
Bottle It Up Sara Bareilles
It's Not My Time 3 Doors Down
Stop & Stare OneRepublic
Realize Colbie Caillat
Violet Hill Coldplay
Pocketful Of Sunshine Natasha Bedingfield
Shake It Metro Station
Underneath Alanis Morissette
Whatever It Takes Lifehouse
I'm In Love With A Girl Gavin DeGraw
Paralyzer Finger 11
Apologize Timbaland Feat. One Republic
Viva la Vida Coldplay
I Don't Wanna Be In Love Good Charlette
Nine In The Afternoon Panic At The Disco
High on You Survivor
I Will Possess Your Heart Death Cab For Cutie
Mercy Duffy
Shut Up and Let Me Go The Ting Tings
Teenage Love Affair Alicia Keys
After Tonight Justin Nozuka
That Green Gentleman Panic At The Disco
Subject to change, of course!
All Summer Long Kid Rock
I Kissed A Girl Katy Perry
If I Never See Your Face Again Maroon 5 Ft. Rhianna
That's What You Get Paramore
Buzzin' Schwayze Ft. Cisco
I'm Yours Jason Mraz
New Soul Yael Naim
Bottle It Up Sara Bareilles
It's Not My Time 3 Doors Down
Stop & Stare OneRepublic
Realize Colbie Caillat
Violet Hill Coldplay
Pocketful Of Sunshine Natasha Bedingfield
Shake It Metro Station
Underneath Alanis Morissette
Whatever It Takes Lifehouse
I'm In Love With A Girl Gavin DeGraw
Paralyzer Finger 11
Apologize Timbaland Feat. One Republic
Viva la Vida Coldplay
I Don't Wanna Be In Love Good Charlette
Nine In The Afternoon Panic At The Disco
High on You Survivor
I Will Possess Your Heart Death Cab For Cutie
Mercy Duffy
Shut Up and Let Me Go The Ting Tings
Teenage Love Affair Alicia Keys
After Tonight Justin Nozuka
That Green Gentleman Panic At The Disco
Subject to change, of course!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Fric Frac
fric frac - the state dept. of health is at my building (I manage the therapy dept. in a nursing home) and i was off today when they got there - ugghhh - i hate this time of the year - i wanna disappear. now all the nice feelings from a fun and relaxed weekend are gone, pushed away by the knot of panic in my stomach. we are so behind on paperwork... damn it all...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Another Thing I'm Loving
MTV's playlistism - different bands share their favorites on a playlist. I'm listening to Tokio Hotel's right now (who I must go and check out cuz I love their accents and their look!)
ooohhhhhh - they are German - no wonder I love the accents! and they are described as emo - what a funny word! When I first heard it, I thought it was in reference to a comedian from the late 80's who was named Emo. Ooops - not quite!
ooohhhhhh - they are German - no wonder I love the accents! and they are described as emo - what a funny word! When I first heard it, I thought it was in reference to a comedian from the late 80's who was named Emo. Ooops - not quite!
What I've Been Up To
Getting A.'s Graduation Album/scrapbook done - I've been planning it for over a year, but only started working on it last Saturday for the party which was today. Needless to say, it's been a busy week!
Planning A.'s Grad Party which was today and went very well - I even saw Marcy - she came with her boys - YAY! But really, all my time and energy has been spent with A. and all the stuff being a senior in high school brings with it the last few months. I suppose I'll go into withdrawal because I won't have anything to plan or anywhere to go.
Sending I. to Norway - he left 8 June and won't be back until 31 July, at which time he'll bring his friend back with him for 2 weeks.
Trying to plan our trip to CA.
Obsessing, still, about Twilight. I even gave A. the first 2 books in the series. When I have time, I'm on TwilightSource (ok - I stay up way too late and spend way too many hours there, but it's my natural home, now that I've become an obsessed fangirl!) I decided not to pursue the Stephenie Meyer tour becasue we'll just be getting home from CA and try as I might, I wasn't able to justify further expenses involved with making a trip to NYC or Chicago. I'll watch it being streamed online, however! OMG how I love these books - I finished them and turned around and started them all over again!
I changed our cable a few weeks ago and have been obsessively watching MTV or MTVU, getting caught up on music again! Being a first generation MTV viewer, I missed the videos when they went to more programming on the first MTV channel. I've been loving it and finding new, awesome music!
Did I mention I'm obsessing over Twilight?
Catching up with a friend of A.'s who we haven't seen in a few years - she's such a nice girl and we have always enjoyed her company. She's going to be on MADE this summer and I'm so excited and happy for her!
Oh, and obsessing over Twilight - I LOVE YOU EDWARD!!!
Planning A.'s Grad Party which was today and went very well - I even saw Marcy - she came with her boys - YAY! But really, all my time and energy has been spent with A. and all the stuff being a senior in high school brings with it the last few months. I suppose I'll go into withdrawal because I won't have anything to plan or anywhere to go.
Sending I. to Norway - he left 8 June and won't be back until 31 July, at which time he'll bring his friend back with him for 2 weeks.
Trying to plan our trip to CA.
Obsessing, still, about Twilight. I even gave A. the first 2 books in the series. When I have time, I'm on TwilightSource (ok - I stay up way too late and spend way too many hours there, but it's my natural home, now that I've become an obsessed fangirl!) I decided not to pursue the Stephenie Meyer tour becasue we'll just be getting home from CA and try as I might, I wasn't able to justify further expenses involved with making a trip to NYC or Chicago. I'll watch it being streamed online, however! OMG how I love these books - I finished them and turned around and started them all over again!
I changed our cable a few weeks ago and have been obsessively watching MTV or MTVU, getting caught up on music again! Being a first generation MTV viewer, I missed the videos when they went to more programming on the first MTV channel. I've been loving it and finding new, awesome music!
Did I mention I'm obsessing over Twilight?
Catching up with a friend of A.'s who we haven't seen in a few years - she's such a nice girl and we have always enjoyed her company. She's going to be on MADE this summer and I'm so excited and happy for her!
Oh, and obsessing over Twilight - I LOVE YOU EDWARD!!!
New Favorite Songs
Death Cab For Cutie I Will Possess Your Heart
Metro Station Shake It
Duffy Mercy
Cold Play Violet Hill
The Ting Tings Shut Up and Let Me Go
Metro Station Shake It
Duffy Mercy
Cold Play Violet Hill
The Ting Tings Shut Up and Let Me Go
Friday, June 13, 2008
Breaking Dawn Tour
I am seriously considering going to one of these - doesn't it sound awesome?
This is from
"The Breaking Dawn Concert Series
featuring Stephenie Meyer
with Special Performance by Justin Furstenfeld from Blue October
In less than three years, Stephenie Meyer has become a worldwide publishing phenomenon—writing the internationally bestselling Twilight Saga. To celebrate the release of Breaking Dawn—the fourth and final book in the Saga—Little, Brown and Company invites fans to participate in an evening of story and song with Meyer and singer/songwriter Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October.
The event is designed to give fans a truly unique, one-of-a-kind experience by featuring music that inspired Meyer while writing the Twilight Saga. Music has played such a strong role in the writing of the series that Meyer has created playlists for each novel. Special musical guest Furstenfeld will perform several songs featured on these playlists, including "Sound of Pulling Heaven Down," the platinum-selling "Hate Me", and "Overweight".
The evening will also include a Q&A and autographing with Meyer."
So cool. I really like Blue October and I identify so much with music being a backdrop to all I do. I hope I can make it work!
This is from
"The Breaking Dawn Concert Series
featuring Stephenie Meyer
with Special Performance by Justin Furstenfeld from Blue October
In less than three years, Stephenie Meyer has become a worldwide publishing phenomenon—writing the internationally bestselling Twilight Saga. To celebrate the release of Breaking Dawn—the fourth and final book in the Saga—Little, Brown and Company invites fans to participate in an evening of story and song with Meyer and singer/songwriter Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October.
The event is designed to give fans a truly unique, one-of-a-kind experience by featuring music that inspired Meyer while writing the Twilight Saga. Music has played such a strong role in the writing of the series that Meyer has created playlists for each novel. Special musical guest Furstenfeld will perform several songs featured on these playlists, including "Sound of Pulling Heaven Down," the platinum-selling "Hate Me", and "Overweight".
The evening will also include a Q&A and autographing with Meyer."
So cool. I really like Blue October and I identify so much with music being a backdrop to all I do. I hope I can make it work!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Twilight Teaser Trailer
Here's the trailer. Doesn't Robert Pattinson make an incredible Edward? I can't wait!
Can these books get any better? I am SO obsessed with the Twilight series, I think it's all I think about. SERIOUSLY, if you have not read them, READ THEM NOW! And I am now an obsessed fangirl on several online Twilight groups. I can't get enough!
I need a friend to be obsessed with me and go to the release of Breaking Dawn with me on August 2nd! Stephenie Meyer what have you done to me????
I need a friend to be obsessed with me and go to the release of Breaking Dawn with me on August 2nd! Stephenie Meyer what have you done to me????
Friday, June 6, 2008
I Am Hopelessly, Madly, Obsessively, Irrevocably... love with a vampire, Edward Cullen, from Twilight. If you have not read the Twilight series, YOU MUST DO IT NOW! Stephenie Meyer's books are like a drug - utterly intoxicating and totally addicitve. I have had to physically restrain myself from completing Twilight all in one sitting; work, sleep - it matters not when I am in this world. I am so obsessed I can't stop thinking about Edward and Bella and Edward and Edward again. Check out this trailer on from the Twilight movie to be released December 12, 2008 . Gah - Edward will be the death of me!
Monday, June 2, 2008
SciFi has Star Trek: The Next Generation on! It's one of my all time favorites! I hope it's on for good! YAY! A great ending to a rough day :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Jake Ryan how I love you so! The last 2 minutes of Sixteen Candles are perhaps 2 of the greatest in movie history for me, nerdy sentimentalist that I am.
Very Brief... reviews:
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was entertaining. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but very Indiana Jones-like (obviously) and a decent way to spend a few hours. I think what is different about this one is that when the first Indy movie came out, it was the first of it's kind and so very new and exciting. Nowadays, action-adventure movies abound and it's not an unique genre anymore. But it has that sentimentality-thing going for it and Indy will always be my first true action adventure hero.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian was awesome. I liked it even better than the first. I'll definitely see it again and again. Highly recommended!
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was entertaining. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but very Indiana Jones-like (obviously) and a decent way to spend a few hours. I think what is different about this one is that when the first Indy movie came out, it was the first of it's kind and so very new and exciting. Nowadays, action-adventure movies abound and it's not an unique genre anymore. But it has that sentimentality-thing going for it and Indy will always be my first true action adventure hero.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian was awesome. I liked it even better than the first. I'll definitely see it again and again. Highly recommended!
Monday, May 19, 2008
May Sweeps, Revisited
Here's my take on the sweeps - tonight is the last night of Sweeps that I'll be watching although I know the shows will continue through this week.
Survivor:Micronesia: I wanted Amanda to win and I think it was a surprise when Parvati won. It was a good last show though and I may need to watch next season - Survivor:Gabon. That looks like a very scary environment to be all alone in.
The Hills: Well, I stayed up and watched the After Party as well. Loved how they left it hanging with Audrina and Lauren. I have to say, prior to the last few episodes, I really liked Lo, but man have they portrayed her as a bitch and I really feel sorry for Audrina. And Heidi blowing off her boss like that? If I were her boss, I'd fire her ass so fast. Can't wait for the next season!!
America's Next Top Model: WooHoo! Whitney won! I would have been happy with Anya winning, too, but Whitney really did the best job with the commercial and runway. She was smokin'! I hope the next cycle will be as good as this one - I really haven't liked an entire season since Cycle 7 when CariDee won.
Desperate Housewives: This was a good one! Lots of closure with a tease for next season! It was a bit iffy the last few seasons, but I can't wait for the new one now!
Gossip Girl: Still watching this one, but way to go Blair for sticking it to Georgina! ("Didn't you hear, I'm the crazy bitch around here?") Can't wait to see what happens with S and D - oh no! Together? Broke Up? I'll be back for next season for sure!
Survivor:Micronesia: I wanted Amanda to win and I think it was a surprise when Parvati won. It was a good last show though and I may need to watch next season - Survivor:Gabon. That looks like a very scary environment to be all alone in.
The Hills: Well, I stayed up and watched the After Party as well. Loved how they left it hanging with Audrina and Lauren. I have to say, prior to the last few episodes, I really liked Lo, but man have they portrayed her as a bitch and I really feel sorry for Audrina. And Heidi blowing off her boss like that? If I were her boss, I'd fire her ass so fast. Can't wait for the next season!!
America's Next Top Model: WooHoo! Whitney won! I would have been happy with Anya winning, too, but Whitney really did the best job with the commercial and runway. She was smokin'! I hope the next cycle will be as good as this one - I really haven't liked an entire season since Cycle 7 when CariDee won.
Desperate Housewives: This was a good one! Lots of closure with a tease for next season! It was a bit iffy the last few seasons, but I can't wait for the new one now!
Gossip Girl: Still watching this one, but way to go Blair for sticking it to Georgina! ("Didn't you hear, I'm the crazy bitch around here?") Can't wait to see what happens with S and D - oh no! Together? Broke Up? I'll be back for next season for sure!
I just saved myself $70+! I need a new swimsuit (going to the beach this summer!) and had found ones online at L.L. Bean and Land's End, but both of them were $100+. I scouted around and found a similar one at WalMart for right around $30. Yay! It's awfully cute!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Congratulations Whitney on winning America's Next Top Model! You go girl! Best of luck to you - you are an inspiration!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Favorite Shops
I love to shop. I love clothes. I love to spend money, but don't have a lot of it. Here's some of my favorites:
Target - I love the limited edition designer lines they have. I can't hardly walk into a store without spending $100 on clothes "I need". And they are based in MN:)
Old Navy - my favorite. I am addicted. I have an Old Navy CC - bad news! I currently look like a walking ad for Old Navy. Yah - it's bad. I love them.
Fashion Bug - I forget about this store, but they really have some cute things for my, heh-hem, bigger backside that actually fit me - you know, they fit the butt and thighs without a huge gaping waist. I just got a few pair of Bermudas and capris and have worn the one pair of capris for the past 2 days straight (lazy, non-sweating lounging days, so I really don't stink!).
Wal Mart - for the basics. I can get cheap tank tops and t-shirts and fitness clothes that work just fine for me.
Vanity and Maurices - have some really cute stuff (always have), but with the changes in styles, are more age appropriate for me. No more tummy-baring shirts. I got the cutest sweater and shirt this past fall.
Foot Locker - I have spoiled myself to the point where I can no longer wear anything other than Nike running shoes (and I love shoes so much). Occassionally I can get away with a dress shoe, but if there is any walking involved at all, I'm dead without my Nikes.
I used to be a mail order freak, but spend way too much money way too easily, so I've gotten away from J Crew and Victoria's Secret, but I do love them so :)
Target - I love the limited edition designer lines they have. I can't hardly walk into a store without spending $100 on clothes "I need". And they are based in MN:)
Old Navy - my favorite. I am addicted. I have an Old Navy CC - bad news! I currently look like a walking ad for Old Navy. Yah - it's bad. I love them.
Fashion Bug - I forget about this store, but they really have some cute things for my, heh-hem, bigger backside that actually fit me - you know, they fit the butt and thighs without a huge gaping waist. I just got a few pair of Bermudas and capris and have worn the one pair of capris for the past 2 days straight (lazy, non-sweating lounging days, so I really don't stink!).
Wal Mart - for the basics. I can get cheap tank tops and t-shirts and fitness clothes that work just fine for me.
Vanity and Maurices - have some really cute stuff (always have), but with the changes in styles, are more age appropriate for me. No more tummy-baring shirts. I got the cutest sweater and shirt this past fall.
Foot Locker - I have spoiled myself to the point where I can no longer wear anything other than Nike running shoes (and I love shoes so much). Occassionally I can get away with a dress shoe, but if there is any walking involved at all, I'm dead without my Nikes.
I used to be a mail order freak, but spend way too much money way too easily, so I've gotten away from J Crew and Victoria's Secret, but I do love them so :)
May Sweeps
This week starts the season finales for several of my favorite shows. Oh, what will I do without tv in the evening? Getting off my butt would be a good start!
America's Next Top Model - I really want Whitney to win, but have a feeling it may be Anya
The Hills - I love this show! And it got even better this spring!
Survivor:Micronesia - what with the writer's strike and all, there was nothing else to watch on Thursday nights, so I started in on this. The finale is tonight. I can't believe Erik last Thursday - what was he thinking???? He could have won the whole thing. I've never seen it with the jury - not sure how all that works. But it interferes with Desperate Housewives - what to do??!!
America's Next Top Model - I really want Whitney to win, but have a feeling it may be Anya
The Hills - I love this show! And it got even better this spring!
Survivor:Micronesia - what with the writer's strike and all, there was nothing else to watch on Thursday nights, so I started in on this. The finale is tonight. I can't believe Erik last Thursday - what was he thinking???? He could have won the whole thing. I've never seen it with the jury - not sure how all that works. But it interferes with Desperate Housewives - what to do??!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
New Most Favorite Thing Ever
From London Daily Photo Blog:
"Doctor Whippy
This, is Dr Whippy, aka Demitrios Kargotis. Also from the Royal College of Art, and with one of the best ideas ever, period. You talk into the box. It analyses your voice. The more unhappy you are, the bigger the ice cream. I only got a very small dollop, which is pretty fair.See a series of photos here and a video here."
"Doctor Whippy
This, is Dr Whippy, aka Demitrios Kargotis. Also from the Royal College of Art, and with one of the best ideas ever, period. You talk into the box. It analyses your voice. The more unhappy you are, the bigger the ice cream. I only got a very small dollop, which is pretty fair.See a series of photos here and a video here."
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
This Week
...went by really fast. I took most of Tues. off cuz A. was here getting her senior pictures done. I've already got the proofs back and they are awesome. She had some done with all 5 of "her" dogs and they are oh-so-cute! Even though it's illegal, I'll probably scan a few to post here!
The 'new' Dr. Who started tonight! YAY! It's from the 2007 British season. Have I ever said how very much I love the British culture?!
I think I'm allergic to work. The past few days I have left work with a pounding headache and nearly everyday that I'm there I have a headache. I think it's the ventilation system.
The 'new' Dr. Who started tonight! YAY! It's from the 2007 British season. Have I ever said how very much I love the British culture?!
I think I'm allergic to work. The past few days I have left work with a pounding headache and nearly everyday that I'm there I have a headache. I think it's the ventilation system.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
to Ali! She is the Biggest Loser and the FIRST female winner! Great job Ali - you look awesome and are truly an inspiration!!
Tax Day
and I'm so thankful - only owed the state $94 and getting a refund from the federal government!YAY!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Guess The Flick
"I'm going to Vietnam. It's like this whole other country."
Another clue:
"Dear God, make me a bird. So I can fly far,far far away from here. "
One more clue:
"Stupid is as stupid does."
Yep, it's Forrest Gump and it's on again on WE.
Another clue:
"Dear God, make me a bird. So I can fly far,far far away from here. "
One more clue:
"Stupid is as stupid does."
Yep, it's Forrest Gump and it's on again on WE.
as in another day. I'm so sick of this weather - more snow and cold. And it's way too messy to be outside. Ugghhh - I want spring.
Friday, April 11, 2008
This Week
Saw me...
1. Going to A.'s first rugby match of the season
2. Picking up hubby from the airport in a blizzard
3. Working
4. Getting by for another week without doing laundry (it's down to the wire now, or should I say the last pair of clean underwear!)
5. Thinking about doing taxes - ugghhh - I'm scared and really hope I don't have to pay in
6. Excited for the weekend: sleeping, planning menus for next week, cleaning, doing laundry, getting the pups ready for their photo shoot (A. is finally doing her senior pics on Tues. and she wants one with all of the dogs in it - Kami, Sadie, Molly, Bali and Simon) and generally hanging out and wishing I was planning a trip abroad for myself
1. Going to A.'s first rugby match of the season
2. Picking up hubby from the airport in a blizzard
3. Working
4. Getting by for another week without doing laundry (it's down to the wire now, or should I say the last pair of clean underwear!)
5. Thinking about doing taxes - ugghhh - I'm scared and really hope I don't have to pay in
6. Excited for the weekend: sleeping, planning menus for next week, cleaning, doing laundry, getting the pups ready for their photo shoot (A. is finally doing her senior pics on Tues. and she wants one with all of the dogs in it - Kami, Sadie, Molly, Bali and Simon) and generally hanging out and wishing I was planning a trip abroad for myself
Will It Ever End?
Winter, that is. ANOTHER 8" of snow and the worst driving I've had to deal with in a long time - our normal 2 hour trip from the airport to home took us 4 hours. YIKES! It was nasty. When will spring arrive?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Woo Hoo!
One of my favorite TV shows ever is on - Quantum Leap! It's on the same network that ran the entire series of The Wonder Years last summer, which I also love. However, i do not love the fact that they run the entire series consecutively and then go on to another show - so if you miss a night, you're sol.
High School Confidential
Have you seen it? It follows girls through their high school career, from 9th grade to graduation, and tells their story.
Here's the official blurb from WEtv:
12 girls. 4 years. 1 unprecedented WE tv event.
In this unprecedented television event, we follow 12 diverse girls through their tumultuous and exhilarating high school experience. They encounter sex, drugs, unwanted pregnancy, health crisis, and family chaos -- all while trying to discover who they are. Each episode explores the girls' stories through four years of heartache, discovery, friendship, and self-acceptance. These are stories we can all relate to.
Check it out here.
Here's the official blurb from WEtv:
12 girls. 4 years. 1 unprecedented WE tv event.
In this unprecedented television event, we follow 12 diverse girls through their tumultuous and exhilarating high school experience. They encounter sex, drugs, unwanted pregnancy, health crisis, and family chaos -- all while trying to discover who they are. Each episode explores the girls' stories through four years of heartache, discovery, friendship, and self-acceptance. These are stories we can all relate to.
Check it out here.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I Should... doing something besides playing on the computer with ANTM on in the background (Cycle 5 again - Nicole wins!).
I should be vacuuming or doing laundry or doing dishes or planning menus or something. But I'm not. A lazy, rainy Sunday.
I should be vacuuming or doing laundry or doing dishes or planning menus or something. But I'm not. A lazy, rainy Sunday.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Guess The Flick
"You know - things, life, whatnot"
"Life is not whatnot"
Here's another clue:
"I can't believe I gave my panties to a geek"
And another:
"What's happenin' hot stuff?"
Yep, it's Sixteen Candles. When I was a young teenager, my goal was to watch this movie 16 times by my 16th birthday. I'm pretty sure I succeded - I seem to remember something like 20+ times before I was 16.
BTW, it's currently on WE.
"Life is not whatnot"
Here's another clue:
"I can't believe I gave my panties to a geek"
And another:
"What's happenin' hot stuff?"
Yep, it's Sixteen Candles. When I was a young teenager, my goal was to watch this movie 16 times by my 16th birthday. I'm pretty sure I succeded - I seem to remember something like 20+ times before I was 16.
BTW, it's currently on WE.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
What I'm Hating Now
Spending the last hour pulling up links to all the groovy songs I had listed and then Blogger wouldn't let me post the links - stupid technology crap stuff
What I'm Loving Now
1. When I bring in a new bag of dog food, my collie girl has to sniff very carefully around the new bag, the old bag, the floor, the can the new bag goes into. It's very important stuff!
2. Spring may be arriving - I hear upper 40's-low 50's for the next few days!
3. My new favorite group Paramore, especially crushcrushcrush
4. Car Crash by Matt Nathanson
5. Some SoapDishers went to Costa Rica on holiday and here's some photos from their trip by one of my favorite photographers Rebecca Picard. I SOOOO wanna go - it looks like so much fun!!
2. Spring may be arriving - I hear upper 40's-low 50's for the next few days!
3. My new favorite group Paramore, especially crushcrushcrush
4. Car Crash by Matt Nathanson
5. Some SoapDishers went to Costa Rica on holiday and here's some photos from their trip by one of my favorite photographers Rebecca Picard. I SOOOO wanna go - it looks like so much fun!!
He's Gone Again
Hubby is back in Reno to clear out SIL house - we anticipate foreclosure stuff to start happening any time now.
Can I just say how VERY thankful I am for MY parents - thank you for being normal and nice and BORING. I am SO VERY SICK of the crap that people try to pull - and this is supposed to be family. Unbelievable. Needless to say, it's been a very stressful week and I am so sick of it, but not done with it. My hubby tells me to leave it alone - that's just the way they are, but I won't. If they can be assholes, I'll be one right back to them. So watch out. I'm gonna come at them with all guns blazing, or at least a few harsh words.
Can I just say how VERY thankful I am for MY parents - thank you for being normal and nice and BORING. I am SO VERY SICK of the crap that people try to pull - and this is supposed to be family. Unbelievable. Needless to say, it's been a very stressful week and I am so sick of it, but not done with it. My hubby tells me to leave it alone - that's just the way they are, but I won't. If they can be assholes, I'll be one right back to them. So watch out. I'm gonna come at them with all guns blazing, or at least a few harsh words.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Meet The Couple...
...who just got engaged in Paris. From Paris Daily Photo: PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS NOT MY PICTURE OR MY WRITING, JUST A COPY FROM Paris Daily Photo.
30 mars 2008
I met them!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I did meet Manu and Smitha, the young couple that moved you - us - so much these days. Where did I meet them? Well, I'm sure you can easily guess from the background of this photo... No wonder Manu did all this for his future wife; she's absolutely adorable. Anyway, they promised they would post something on PDP when they return to DC (that is where they're from), that is today Sunday. I wish them a very happy life - and thank them for the delicious macarons from La maison du chocolat they offered me!
30 mars 2008
I met them!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I did meet Manu and Smitha, the young couple that moved you - us - so much these days. Where did I meet them? Well, I'm sure you can easily guess from the background of this photo... No wonder Manu did all this for his future wife; she's absolutely adorable. Anyway, they promised they would post something on PDP when they return to DC (that is where they're from), that is today Sunday. I wish them a very happy life - and thank them for the delicious macarons from La maison du chocolat they offered me!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Turn Off The Lights
for Earth Hour between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. in your time zone. Dim the lights. Save energy and help save our planet.
Friday, March 28, 2008
... to Potter Puppet Pals! They won "Best Comedy" at the YouTube Awards. Even if you're not a Harry Potter fan, I think you'll find it funny!
The Mysterious Ticking Noise
The Mysterious Ticking Noise
And The Winner Is...
...JabbaWockeeZ on America's Best Dance Crew. They are really awesome, but my heart was set on Kabba Modern or BreakSk8.
Check this out - my favorite from the night: BreakSk8 and Femme 5 (if this doesn't open it right up, it's #4 in the thumbnails). It was SICCKKKK (which apparently is the new word for awesome - I'm so behind the times!).
Check this out - my favorite from the night: BreakSk8 and Femme 5 (if this doesn't open it right up, it's #4 in the thumbnails). It was SICCKKKK (which apparently is the new word for awesome - I'm so behind the times!).
America's Next Top Model
I know, you must think I'm crazy, but I love America's Next Top Model. My husband thinks I'm insane, so I have no doubts that most of the rest of the universe will think that way, too. I just can't help myself. Quick, name the winners of the first 9 season: Adrianne, Yoanna, Eva, Naima, Nicole, Danielle, Caridee, Jaslene, Salisha. Who was runner up in each cycle? Cycle 1 - I didn't watch. Cycle 2 was Mercedes; cycle 3 was Yaya; cycle 4 was Kahlen; cycle 5 was Nic; cycle 6 was Joanie; cycle 7 was Melrose; cycle 8 was Natasha; cycle 9 was Chantal. (OK - I admit it - I had to go to Wiki to check all of the names of the runners-ups). But this I know - where did they go in each cycle? Cycle 1 - Paris; cycle 2 Milan; cycle 3 Tokyo; cycle 4 Cape Town, South Africa; cycle 5 London; cycle 6 Thailand; cycle 7 Barcelona; cycle 8 Sydney; cycle 9 Bejing.
I have to say that I definitely have a few favorite cycles. Cycles 2, 5, 6 and 7 are my favorites. Cycle 9 didn't really impress me and cycle 8 wasn't that much better.
Of the models, winners or not, the ones I liked the best and stuck out the most for me were Yoanna, Mercedes, April and Shandi from cycle 2 (loved the shoot at the lake when just the four of them were left); Catie from cycle 2 because she is from a town 15 minutes from where I live and the reason I started watching ANTM; Ann and Eva from cycle 3 - a funny friendship; Yaya from cycle 3 was so poised; Kahlen from cycle 4; I loved Kim from cycle 5 and Lisa was a hoot; cycle 5 also produced Nicole who is from Minnesota and went to college at the University 45 miles away from where I live; cycle 5 was also my favorite city - London; I love Joanie from cycle 6 and think she should have won; cycle 7 produced Caridee who is from North Dakota (go MidWest girls!); cycle 7 I liked the twins - Amanda and Michelle and I liked Melrose (even though everyone in the house hated her) and I felt bad for Brook who was eliminated on the evening of her high school graduation; cycle 8 had Natasha who kind of wierded me out with her phonecalls to her husband, but was otherwise very sweet; and cycle 9 introduced us to Heather who I love.
Best villain overall? My call is Jade from cycle 6 (what an arrogant, self-righteous piece of **** - 'my look is in another realm', 'they mistook my confidence for arrogance' - whatever you wanna believe freak). Camille from cycle 2 is a close second - an unbelievable piece of work.
Best Top Model? I haven't followed their careers, so truly I don't know who is doing what where, but I think Yoanna may be the best - her eyes and her face - unforgettable and simply astonishing.
As far as the judges go, I love Nigel. Tyra is actually OK despite the funny clothes and looks she sometimes sports. Miss J - like him, too. I love Twiggy and am sad to see her go (the jury's still out on her replacement, Paulina). I really like Jay Manuel. HATED Janice Dickenson - there's righteous and in-your-face and confident, but she is just plain rude. Glad she's gone!
I have to say that I definitely have a few favorite cycles. Cycles 2, 5, 6 and 7 are my favorites. Cycle 9 didn't really impress me and cycle 8 wasn't that much better.
Of the models, winners or not, the ones I liked the best and stuck out the most for me were Yoanna, Mercedes, April and Shandi from cycle 2 (loved the shoot at the lake when just the four of them were left); Catie from cycle 2 because she is from a town 15 minutes from where I live and the reason I started watching ANTM; Ann and Eva from cycle 3 - a funny friendship; Yaya from cycle 3 was so poised; Kahlen from cycle 4; I loved Kim from cycle 5 and Lisa was a hoot; cycle 5 also produced Nicole who is from Minnesota and went to college at the University 45 miles away from where I live; cycle 5 was also my favorite city - London; I love Joanie from cycle 6 and think she should have won; cycle 7 produced Caridee who is from North Dakota (go MidWest girls!); cycle 7 I liked the twins - Amanda and Michelle and I liked Melrose (even though everyone in the house hated her) and I felt bad for Brook who was eliminated on the evening of her high school graduation; cycle 8 had Natasha who kind of wierded me out with her phonecalls to her husband, but was otherwise very sweet; and cycle 9 introduced us to Heather who I love.
Best villain overall? My call is Jade from cycle 6 (what an arrogant, self-righteous piece of **** - 'my look is in another realm', 'they mistook my confidence for arrogance' - whatever you wanna believe freak). Camille from cycle 2 is a close second - an unbelievable piece of work.
Best Top Model? I haven't followed their careers, so truly I don't know who is doing what where, but I think Yoanna may be the best - her eyes and her face - unforgettable and simply astonishing.
As far as the judges go, I love Nigel. Tyra is actually OK despite the funny clothes and looks she sometimes sports. Miss J - like him, too. I love Twiggy and am sad to see her go (the jury's still out on her replacement, Paulina). I really like Jay Manuel. HATED Janice Dickenson - there's righteous and in-your-face and confident, but she is just plain rude. Glad she's gone!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I Love...
...the scene in the new episode of The Hills where Lauren is on the back of the Vespa with Matthias driving around Paris at night, in the mist, hitting all the big sights. Tres romantique!
The Hills - you can fast forward to ~36:00 for the Vespa ride, or start at the beginning and watch the whole thing.
eta I LOVE Lauren's coat that she is wearing on the Vespa ride
The Hills - you can fast forward to ~36:00 for the Vespa ride, or start at the beginning and watch the whole thing.
eta I LOVE Lauren's coat that she is wearing on the Vespa ride
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Most Romantic Thing Ever??
pretty close!!! This was on Paris Daily Photo
I'm sure that once you've read this story, you'll go "Awwwwwww!" On March 6th, I received an email from a young man in the U.S., Manu. He said something like, "My girlfriend, Smitha, and I have been reading your blog every day for the past two months in preparation for a trip to Paris. What she doesn't know is that I plan on proposing to her while we are there, in front of the Eiffel Tower. Could you happen to secretly be there to take a photo of us and then we can surprise her by publishing it on your blog?" My romantic soul couldn't resist, so, we arranged for a time and place, and there I was last night (Monday) at 7:45 pm sharp on the Passerelle Debilly. By the way, we did not even talk. All this was to remain a secret until today! - so I don't even know if she said yes. I'm pretty sure she did though...who could resist a fiancé who does all this to win the heart of his wife-to-be? P.S. My camera could have done with a little more light, for sure, but it's enough to keep the memory.
25 mars 2008
Will you marry me?

p.s. She said YES!
A Funny Thing Happened... my continuing education class last week (which, btw, was fabulous!). The instructor was telling us a little bit about herself and mentioned that she had graduated from Ithaca College. I popped in and noted that I'd gone to Wells, right up the lake. She said,'hey, my sister went to Wells!'. Turns out, I graduated with her step-sister! Small world!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Some New Favorites
A few things that are new to me that I really loved. Thought I'd share:
13 Going on 30 - think I need to own it!
Enchanted - think I need this one, too.
Rumor Has It - and this one!
The Converse Line at Target
Free Radio
Good Charlotte I Don't Want To Be In Love
America's Best Dance Crew on MTV - my 3 favorite groups (watch the entire video of each - awesome!) from my favorite episode:
Kaba Modern
Fysh 'n Chicks and BreakSk8 are in this next video, but BreakSk8, in the second half of the video is my favorite performance of the night - quite simply - AMAZING!
13 Going on 30 - think I need to own it!
Enchanted - think I need this one, too.
Rumor Has It - and this one!
The Converse Line at Target
Free Radio
Good Charlotte I Don't Want To Be In Love
America's Best Dance Crew on MTV - my 3 favorite groups (watch the entire video of each - awesome!) from my favorite episode:
Kaba Modern
Fysh 'n Chicks and BreakSk8 are in this next video, but BreakSk8, in the second half of the video is my favorite performance of the night - quite simply - AMAZING!
Guess the Flick
"No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley"
If you've read any of my posts, I'm pretty sure you can guess it's from one of my favorite movies - Back to the Future. It's on. Again!
If you've read any of my posts, I'm pretty sure you can guess it's from one of my favorite movies - Back to the Future. It's on. Again!
Spring Break
Kids are back in the Cities. I. was here from Sun. - Sat. A. drove out Wed. and went back Sat. We had fun - I had to work, so I really didn't spend too much time with them, but it was still nice to have them! They had a belated b-day party for me - they gave me 101 Dalmations, Happy Feet and Ratatouille. We watched Happy Feet Thursday night - very cute! Friday, after 12" of snow (no joking!), we watched Enchanted - hilarious! Even I., a boy, liked it! Highly recommend it if you haven't seen it!
We talked a little about summer vacation ideas - A. wants to go on a cruise (which I'd been thinking about for this Spring Break, but decided against cuz of hubby's sis and all the uncertainty surrounding it) and maybe we could do that for Christmas or next spring break. I think hubby and I will be taking A. and a friend to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and So. California. I. is being sent to Norway again - it's SOOOO good for him to get away from his mother and be on his own! He has grown so much since last year's adventure! YAY!
Saturday we went to St. Cloud where A. and I went shopping at Old Navy - more very cute things for me (like I needed more clothes!) and just a shirt for A. Then we ate at Chipotle - yummmmmmmmmm! Since finding a fly in our food at our favorite Mexican restaurant last summer, we haven't had any Mexican, so Chipotle tastes really good to us now! Today is a rest day - nobody is around. I've watched America's Next Top Model Cycle 7 (Caridee wins!) most of the day and we are getting ready to go out for a walk with the dogs. It's still pretty darn cold - come on SPRING!!
We talked a little about summer vacation ideas - A. wants to go on a cruise (which I'd been thinking about for this Spring Break, but decided against cuz of hubby's sis and all the uncertainty surrounding it) and maybe we could do that for Christmas or next spring break. I think hubby and I will be taking A. and a friend to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and So. California. I. is being sent to Norway again - it's SOOOO good for him to get away from his mother and be on his own! He has grown so much since last year's adventure! YAY!
Saturday we went to St. Cloud where A. and I went shopping at Old Navy - more very cute things for me (like I needed more clothes!) and just a shirt for A. Then we ate at Chipotle - yummmmmmmmmm! Since finding a fly in our food at our favorite Mexican restaurant last summer, we haven't had any Mexican, so Chipotle tastes really good to us now! Today is a rest day - nobody is around. I've watched America's Next Top Model Cycle 7 (Caridee wins!) most of the day and we are getting ready to go out for a walk with the dogs. It's still pretty darn cold - come on SPRING!!
New Again
The last green was too green for me, so I'll try this for awhile! I really liked my first blog look, but nearly every blog I went to had the same theme. I need something new and exciting and different (well, as exciting as a blog can be!).
Monday, March 17, 2008
What's Up
...really, not much.
the last snowfall of the season, I hope!
a continuing education class tomorrow, that I just registered for today (oops!), on stroke rehabilitation (cool!)
kinda watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (or Flagon of Flame as my husband says!)
I. is out for spring break. A. will be here Wed.
kinda put away my winter clothes and brought out all of my spring and summer stuff - I have no space for my clothes anywhere and so I cleaned out a dresser we were using for linens and will put my clothes there (we have a wierd living arrangement - I sleep in 'A.'s room' when she's not here (which is >350 days/year), so really it's my room, but because we want the kids to feel like they have their own space here, it's 'her room'. therefore, i just sleep in a bed in there - my clothes have to go somewhere else - a pita and something that i am hoping will be able to be changed, maybe when she officially leaves home for college?). anyway, i have tons of new, awesome, really cute clothes cuz i can't stop shopping this spring, so yesterday, i pulled out 4 lawn and leaf size bags of old clothes that will go to goodwill - at least i'm good about getting rid of stuff when i bring new stuff in :)
no new mattresses - the saleperson was SO annoying, i couldn't wait to get away from him and didn't even look at mattresses. i'll try again somewhere else...
i made chicken potpie tonight for dinner - yum! lots of sweet onions and it was really, really good - just what i needed today!
my folks go to Vegas tomorrow - their favorite vacation spot. apparently i'm dumb - my mother had to show me, yet again, how to feed her damn fish - i think i can do that - i've done it how many times??? uggghhhh - parents!
i found another paris webcam - cool! i need to find a london webcam that i can put on my igoogle - any ideas??
i wonder why i continue to go to the blog of a former (?) friend - morbid curiosity, mostly - i haven't seen her in over 3 years and she has made no effort to get in touch with me, nor i her, i guess, after she promised to call me to meet me and never did 2-3 years ago. it's like that line in The Big Chill that William Hurt's character said "a long time ago we knew each other for a short period of time; you don't know anything about me. It was easy back then. No one had a cushier berth than we did. It's not surprising our friendship could survive that. It's only out there in the real world that it gets tough." it's not that i don't care about her, but i guess i know where i stand in her life - pretty close to the bottom of her list. kinda sucky...
i bought the new Biggest Loser book - kind of an inspirational book more than a how-to book and each time i watch the show or read something about the people on there, i am so very happy that i have chosen, and will not ever choose, to have surgery to lose weight. it really sucks being fat (and having a brain tumor and thyroid disease), but i know that if i set my mind to it (and with me, that is truly >90% of the battle), i will be able to do it and keep it off and be healthy. i don't have to worry about malnutrition, dehydration, rickets, vitamin deficiencies, etc, etc all for the wont of being thin. believe me, there truly are worse things than being fat and i'm not willing to be sliced open and have parts of me extricated just so i look a certain way. deal with it...
whoa - listen to me rant - must be having major attitude problems today :) love ya!
the last snowfall of the season, I hope!
a continuing education class tomorrow, that I just registered for today (oops!), on stroke rehabilitation (cool!)
kinda watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (or Flagon of Flame as my husband says!)
I. is out for spring break. A. will be here Wed.
kinda put away my winter clothes and brought out all of my spring and summer stuff - I have no space for my clothes anywhere and so I cleaned out a dresser we were using for linens and will put my clothes there (we have a wierd living arrangement - I sleep in 'A.'s room' when she's not here (which is >350 days/year), so really it's my room, but because we want the kids to feel like they have their own space here, it's 'her room'. therefore, i just sleep in a bed in there - my clothes have to go somewhere else - a pita and something that i am hoping will be able to be changed, maybe when she officially leaves home for college?). anyway, i have tons of new, awesome, really cute clothes cuz i can't stop shopping this spring, so yesterday, i pulled out 4 lawn and leaf size bags of old clothes that will go to goodwill - at least i'm good about getting rid of stuff when i bring new stuff in :)
no new mattresses - the saleperson was SO annoying, i couldn't wait to get away from him and didn't even look at mattresses. i'll try again somewhere else...
i made chicken potpie tonight for dinner - yum! lots of sweet onions and it was really, really good - just what i needed today!
my folks go to Vegas tomorrow - their favorite vacation spot. apparently i'm dumb - my mother had to show me, yet again, how to feed her damn fish - i think i can do that - i've done it how many times??? uggghhhh - parents!
i found another paris webcam - cool! i need to find a london webcam that i can put on my igoogle - any ideas??
i wonder why i continue to go to the blog of a former (?) friend - morbid curiosity, mostly - i haven't seen her in over 3 years and she has made no effort to get in touch with me, nor i her, i guess, after she promised to call me to meet me and never did 2-3 years ago. it's like that line in The Big Chill that William Hurt's character said "a long time ago we knew each other for a short period of time; you don't know anything about me. It was easy back then. No one had a cushier berth than we did. It's not surprising our friendship could survive that. It's only out there in the real world that it gets tough." it's not that i don't care about her, but i guess i know where i stand in her life - pretty close to the bottom of her list. kinda sucky...
i bought the new Biggest Loser book - kind of an inspirational book more than a how-to book and each time i watch the show or read something about the people on there, i am so very happy that i have chosen, and will not ever choose, to have surgery to lose weight. it really sucks being fat (and having a brain tumor and thyroid disease), but i know that if i set my mind to it (and with me, that is truly >90% of the battle), i will be able to do it and keep it off and be healthy. i don't have to worry about malnutrition, dehydration, rickets, vitamin deficiencies, etc, etc all for the wont of being thin. believe me, there truly are worse things than being fat and i'm not willing to be sliced open and have parts of me extricated just so i look a certain way. deal with it...
whoa - listen to me rant - must be having major attitude problems today :) love ya!
Friday, March 14, 2008
What I'm Loving Now
1. It's my birthday - while I'm not really excited about being a year older (the clock can stop anytime now), it's still my day!
2. I saw a high school classmate tonight at dinner that I hadn't seen in over 15 years - cool!
3. Free Radio on VH1 - Lance is SUCH a dork, but damn, it's funny (in a really stupid way!)
4. Maybe, hopefully, I'm getting a new mattress tomorrow??!!
5. The weekend!!! Whew, what a looonnnngggggg week. I hope to sleep well and often this weekend!
2. I saw a high school classmate tonight at dinner that I hadn't seen in over 15 years - cool!
3. Free Radio on VH1 - Lance is SUCH a dork, but damn, it's funny (in a really stupid way!)
4. Maybe, hopefully, I'm getting a new mattress tomorrow??!!
5. The weekend!!! Whew, what a looonnnngggggg week. I hope to sleep well and often this weekend!
Monday, March 3, 2008
What I'm Loving Now
1. The sky doesn't get dark til 6:30. And starting next Sunday, it won't be dark until 7:30. WooHoo DST!
2. The pants I'm wearing today - they just fit so well and are so comfy! I bought 2 pair - one khaki and one grey. Love them!
3. The Hills starts up again on March 24
4. Love Song by Sara Bareilles and Same Mistake by James Blunt and I'll Be Waiting by Lenny Kravitz and Don't Stop the Music by Rhianna
2. The pants I'm wearing today - they just fit so well and are so comfy! I bought 2 pair - one khaki and one grey. Love them!
3. The Hills starts up again on March 24
4. Love Song by Sara Bareilles and Same Mistake by James Blunt and I'll Be Waiting by Lenny Kravitz and Don't Stop the Music by Rhianna
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Europe 2007
I WILL get the rest of my trip posted - what a slug I've been. I'm like a reptile or something - I sssllloooooooowwwwwwwwwww way down in the fall and don't start to come back to life til March or April.
BTW, I love reading what I have written - what a fabulous trip I had! Have I mentioned that I LOVE to travel??!!!
BTW, I love reading what I have written - what a fabulous trip I had! Have I mentioned that I LOVE to travel??!!!
Some New Blogs I Love
Brook's Blog
A Map for Saturday's creator/star, Brook Silva-Brag, is off a new adventure - travelling with the boys from The World by Road by car through Africa. Wow. Amazing, yet very scary with all the political turmoil. I really admire them and can't wait to see the final product.
Political Bitches
You go girls! These young women are taking a stand and fighting back and not believing everything that the American press regurgitates over and over again. It's so awesome to see young people (ugghh - does that make me sound old or what?) take an interest in where our country is heading. And man have we been heading in THE TOTALLY WRONG DIRECTION for the past 8 years (in case you were wondering where I stand).
London Daily Photo
Pretty much the title explains it all...
Cheltenham Daily Photo
Again, the tittle says it all...
Paris Daily Photo
Self explanatory again
A game I found and love - Know Your World?
A Map for Saturday's creator/star, Brook Silva-Brag, is off a new adventure - travelling with the boys from The World by Road by car through Africa. Wow. Amazing, yet very scary with all the political turmoil. I really admire them and can't wait to see the final product.
Political Bitches
You go girls! These young women are taking a stand and fighting back and not believing everything that the American press regurgitates over and over again. It's so awesome to see young people (ugghh - does that make me sound old or what?) take an interest in where our country is heading. And man have we been heading in THE TOTALLY WRONG DIRECTION for the past 8 years (in case you were wondering where I stand).
London Daily Photo
Pretty much the title explains it all...
Cheltenham Daily Photo
Again, the tittle says it all...
Paris Daily Photo
Self explanatory again
A game I found and love - Know Your World?
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Where I've Been
OK - really not that earth shattering - and actually it's kind of embarassing, but I haven't signed into blogger for 3 mos. because I have my i-google set up just the way I like it and when I sign into blogger, it changes and then I have to figure out how to get it back. Yah - that's really it - dumb! But I love my i-google! I have my news stuff, my daily puppy, my Einstein quote, the moon phases, daily quotes and best of all - world webcam and Eiffel Tower webcam, and the world sunlight map - I am loving watching how this changes with the changing of the seasons! Yep - I'm a nerd!
So, as long as I'm here ( and why am I here anyway? I just watched A Map for Saturday and had to post on the filmaker's blog and had to sign in), here's what's up:
1. SIL is in Omaha continuing with her physical rehabilitation after her aneurysm - doing better, but her longterm prognosis will include some significant disabilities
2. Hubby has been with SIL for more than 10 out of the last 12 weeks, either in Reno or now Omaha, being a great brother and really being the rock in his family - good for him!
3. Kami still limps sometime cuz of her shoulder injury last summer and I'm contemplating if I should take her in or maybe it just needs more time?
4. I might survive winter - it's finally March - thank goodness!
5. Did I call The Amazing Race or what? Yah - I rule! Actually, by the end I wanted Don and Nicolas to win. A great race. I still wanna do it - any takers?!
6. Still working and finally got my building to see the light - more Med A's = more revenue = keeps us busier = we both get to stay and work FT at the building (not that my job was at risk, but it means that I if only I could find someone to take the management position at the other building, I'd have enough to do at my building). We are doing 12 short-term rehab suites compleste with flat screens, recliners, etc - yay! We may even be looking at a new addition that will include a new therapy department. YAY!
7. Haven't moved my ass all winter long and it looks like it - ugghhh! I hate winter - why do I still live in MN???
8. Current Favorites:
TV - The Biggest Loser, America's Next Top Model and Free Radio. I've also been watching Survivor and Supernanny cuz there's nothing on and why try to do anything than watch tv during the long, cold evenings at home alone?!! (I need spring!) I caught the premiere of Living with the Mek on the Travel Channel, but they moved it to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday nights and I need to start getting ready for bed early on Sunday nights to prepare for the week ahead, so I haven't stayed up on that. I've found 2 Scooby Doo shows on from 5-6 p.m., so that's filling my dinner hour instead of re-re-re-watching M*A*S*H* (don't get me wrong, I love it, just needed a break). Just got done with A Map For Saturday - it's a link on the main page and well worth watching - it brought back all those wanderlust feelings - I LOVE to travel...
Music - Quite a few new songs, but can't currently think of the names of said songs - I'll get back to this!
Movies - really liked Juno (didn't care for the soundtrack that much, but the movie was great). Saw National Treasure II - good, but not quite as good as the first. These were both way back in January - I really haven't gone to see anything since. I want to see The Bucket List, hmmmm... what else is out there? I just watched Rumor Has It tonight - great movie, loved it and probably one I need to own. I love Jennifer Anniston!
Books - I just finished Valerie Bertinelli's book - Losing It...And Gaining My Life Back One Pound At a Time - highly recommend it. While I'm not a celebrity, I can identify so much with what she's written. I have A New Earth scheduled next cuz I was thinking of doing Oprah's online class - we'll see if that gets done. I also have eat, pray, love waiting in the wings, a ton of magazines and a ton of re-reads that need to be done. Oh yah, I just did some re-reads on The Cat Who... books I have (sold the majoruty at a gargae sale a few years ago) and read the new one (easy, light reading there).
Online - London, Paris and Cheltenham Daily Photo blogs, The Amazing Race site, Go Fug Yourself, The Leaky Cauldron, MuggleNet, London Underground Blogger, jpfitness Forum, soap pirate blog. I make the rounds on these daily.
Sooooo.........that's it in a nutshell! I'll try to be back sooner than the 3 month mark!
So, as long as I'm here ( and why am I here anyway? I just watched A Map for Saturday and had to post on the filmaker's blog and had to sign in), here's what's up:
1. SIL is in Omaha continuing with her physical rehabilitation after her aneurysm - doing better, but her longterm prognosis will include some significant disabilities
2. Hubby has been with SIL for more than 10 out of the last 12 weeks, either in Reno or now Omaha, being a great brother and really being the rock in his family - good for him!
3. Kami still limps sometime cuz of her shoulder injury last summer and I'm contemplating if I should take her in or maybe it just needs more time?
4. I might survive winter - it's finally March - thank goodness!
5. Did I call The Amazing Race or what? Yah - I rule! Actually, by the end I wanted Don and Nicolas to win. A great race. I still wanna do it - any takers?!
6. Still working and finally got my building to see the light - more Med A's = more revenue = keeps us busier = we both get to stay and work FT at the building (not that my job was at risk, but it means that I if only I could find someone to take the management position at the other building, I'd have enough to do at my building). We are doing 12 short-term rehab suites compleste with flat screens, recliners, etc - yay! We may even be looking at a new addition that will include a new therapy department. YAY!
7. Haven't moved my ass all winter long and it looks like it - ugghhh! I hate winter - why do I still live in MN???
8. Current Favorites:
TV - The Biggest Loser, America's Next Top Model and Free Radio. I've also been watching Survivor and Supernanny cuz there's nothing on and why try to do anything than watch tv during the long, cold evenings at home alone?!! (I need spring!) I caught the premiere of Living with the Mek on the Travel Channel, but they moved it to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday nights and I need to start getting ready for bed early on Sunday nights to prepare for the week ahead, so I haven't stayed up on that. I've found 2 Scooby Doo shows on from 5-6 p.m., so that's filling my dinner hour instead of re-re-re-watching M*A*S*H* (don't get me wrong, I love it, just needed a break). Just got done with A Map For Saturday - it's a link on the main page and well worth watching - it brought back all those wanderlust feelings - I LOVE to travel...
Music - Quite a few new songs, but can't currently think of the names of said songs - I'll get back to this!
Movies - really liked Juno (didn't care for the soundtrack that much, but the movie was great). Saw National Treasure II - good, but not quite as good as the first. These were both way back in January - I really haven't gone to see anything since. I want to see The Bucket List, hmmmm... what else is out there? I just watched Rumor Has It tonight - great movie, loved it and probably one I need to own. I love Jennifer Anniston!
Books - I just finished Valerie Bertinelli's book - Losing It...And Gaining My Life Back One Pound At a Time - highly recommend it. While I'm not a celebrity, I can identify so much with what she's written. I have A New Earth scheduled next cuz I was thinking of doing Oprah's online class - we'll see if that gets done. I also have eat, pray, love waiting in the wings, a ton of magazines and a ton of re-reads that need to be done. Oh yah, I just did some re-reads on The Cat Who... books I have (sold the majoruty at a gargae sale a few years ago) and read the new one (easy, light reading there).
Online - London, Paris and Cheltenham Daily Photo blogs, The Amazing Race site, Go Fug Yourself, The Leaky Cauldron, MuggleNet, London Underground Blogger, jpfitness Forum, soap pirate blog. I make the rounds on these daily.
Sooooo.........that's it in a nutshell! I'll try to be back sooner than the 3 month mark!
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